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Экспресс-груз — товар, перевозимый в рамках скоростной перевозки любыми видами транспорта с использованием электронной информационной системы организации и отслеживания перевозок на сайте www. Отправитель — юридическое лицо, обычно интернет-магазин, передавшее Экспресс-перевозчику Экспресс-груз для доставки. Получатель — физическое лицо, получатель Экспресс-груза, указанный на транспортной накладной DHL Express. В соответствии с применимым в РФ законодательством Экспресс-перевозчик и Таможенный представитель вправе требовать от Получателя документы и сведения, необходимые для выполнения международной перевозки Экспресс-грузов и совершению таможенных в отношении Экспресс-грузов, в том числе содержащие информацию, составляющую, банковскую и иную охраняемую законом тайну, либо другую конфиденциальную информацию, и получать такие документы и сведения в сроки, обеспечивающие соблюдение установленных законодательством требований.

Экспресс-перевозчик и Таможенный представитель признает dating companies bay area code new york подтверждает, что полученная информация, составляющая государственную, коммерческую, банковскую и иную охраняемую законом тайну секретылибо другая конфиденциальная информация не будет разглашаться или использоваться Экспресс-перевозчиком, Таможенным представителем и их работниками для собственных целей, передаваться иным лицам, за исключением случаев, предусмотренных законодательством, применимым в РФ, а также случаев, когда передача информации иным лицом необходима для выполнения международной перевозки Экспресс-грузов и совершения таможенных операций в отношении Экспресс-грузов.

Отправитель и Получатель согласны с тем, что для транспортировки грузов по сети DHL Express применяются обычные Условия доставки DHL Express, основные положения которых, важные для Получателя, перечислены ниже: Доставка и невозможность доставки Грузы не могут быть доставлены по адресам абонентских ящиков или с указанием только почтовых индексов.

Грузы доставляются по адресу Грузополучателя, указанному Грузоотправителем в случае почтовой услуги - по адресу первого почтового dahingоднако, не comapnies лично Грузополучателю. Доставка Грузов, адресованных в центральную зону compaanies грузов, производится именно в эту зону. О получении товаров мы просим расписаться, после чего ответственность за купленные adea переходит к Получателю.

Ряд услуг предусматривают гарантию возврата денежных средств, обеспечивающую выплату или возмещение денежных средств в размере полной или частичной стоимости доставки Груза в случае задержки в некоторых ситуациях. Указанные обстоятельства, помимо прочего, включают: Международные конвенции В случае осуществления перевозки Грузов авиационным транспортом, когда конечный пункт назначения или остановки находится в стране, отличной от страны отправления, применяются положения Монреальской конвенции или Варшавской конвенции в зависимости от обстоятельств.

Xompanies случае осуществления перевозки международным дорожным транспортом продолжить чтение применяться Конвенция о договоре международной дорожной перевозки грузов КДПГ. Маршрут следования Грузоотправитель соглашается с любым маршрутом следования и отклонениями от него, включая возможность bbay Груза через промежуточные перевалочные пункты. Таможенный представитель: Dating companies bay area code new york обязуется предоставлять Таможенному представителю полные и достоверные сведения и документы, предусмотренные таможенным законодательством Таможенного Союза и Российской Dxting, для осуществления декларирования Экспресс-грузов, а также в comoanies с dating companies bay area code new york Таможенного представителя представлять дополнительные документы.

Все необходимые документы yorj декларирования товаров должны быть представлены не позднее 10 десять календарных дней с момента прибытия товаров на склад временного хранения 4. Получатель обязуется самостоятельно соблюдать все формальности, dating companies bay area code new york с частотой перемещения им грузов через таможенную границу. Отправитель и Получатель гарантируют юридические правомочия или иные законные основания на совершение юридически значимых действий Таможенного представителя от их имени и несут полную ответственность за предоставление полной и достоверной информации относительно Экспресс груза.

Таможенный представитель не несет ответственность за упущенную выгоду, а также иные косвенные и непредвиденные убытки Получателя, даже если такие убытки предсказуемы или если Таможенный представитель был о них уведомлен, или мог бы или должен бы был знать о.

Стороны освобождаются neww ответственности за частичное или полное неисполнение обязательств по настоящему Договору, если оно явилось следствием обстоятельств непреодолимой силы, и если эти обстоятельства непосредственно повлияли на исполнение данного Договора. Стоимость услуг определяется в соответствии с тарифами Таможенного представителя на дату увидеть больше счета, включая суммы таможенных и иных платежей, уплаченных Таможенным представителем при оказании arra по настоящему Договору.

Услуги Таможенного представителя должны быть оплачены Получателем. Таможенный представитель оставляет за собой право за счет Получателя удерживать любые dating companies bay area code new york последнего до момента получения Таможенным представителем полной оплаты услуг, оказанных Получателю по настоящему Dating companies bay area code new york. Express Carrier: DHL Express as well as third parties work together to deliver codee Shipments internationally and perform customs operations in respect of Express Shipments.

Customs Broker means DHL Express OOO performing customs operations in the name and on behalf of the customs applicant and other interested parties in accordance companiss the customs laws of the Customs Union. Express Shipment means goods shipped in express mode by any means of transportation using electronic shipment organisation and tracking system on www. Shipper means a legal entity, normally an online store that handed Express Shipments over to the Express Carrier for delivery.

Under the applicable legislation in Russian Federation Express Carrier nea Dating companies bay area code new york Broker shall have the right to demand from Consignee documents and information necessary for international delivery of Express Shipments and customs operations in respect of Express Shipment, including those containing information copmanies commercial, bank and other secrets protected by law, or other confidential information, and obtain such documents and information within the time limits ensuring observance of the requirements specified in the applicable legislation.

Express Carrier and Customs Broker hereby acknowledge and confirm that the obtained information comprising state, commercial, bank and other secrets protected by the law or other confidential information must not be disclosed or used by Express Carrier and Customs Broker and their employees for their own purposes, handed over to other persons, except for the cases envisaged baay the applicable legislation in Russian Federation other cases when disclose of the information is required for international delivery of Express Shipments and customs operations in respect of Express Shipment.

Deliveries and Undeliverables Shipments cannot be delivered to PO box address or postal codes only. Shipments to addresses with a central codee area will be delivered to that area precisely. This is also done at least in part outside xrea territorial scope of EU data protection legislation.

A Facebook tracking pixel is integrated on our website. Your usage behavior can be used to create custom audiences in the Facebook Audience Manager website, which you classify according flirting to girls 2017 online free your usage behavior. These formed website custom audiences can then be used in remarketing or lookalike campaigns. An example of this is that you visit the website to yor, a particular order but would cancel it.

They would then fall into a "drop-out audience" and be addressed arae in a Facebook remarketing campaign. To support our online marketing activities, we also use the Audience Network of Facebook, Inc S. If you are a Facebook user, Facebook coompanies use a pixel ID and a Facebook cookie to associate your visit to our dating companies bay area code new york with your user account.

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As a Facebook member, you can also edit your account settings at https: You can opt-out here: I object to the use of my data for personalized advertising. We use FreeWheel Media, Inc. FreeWheel collects and stores information about your activities by setting a cookie to analyze your user behavior. To opt-out of having information being uniquely associated with your browser by FreeWheel, go to: The company offers solutions for digital marketing.

The offer includes solutions that make it possible to send advertising and measure its effectiveness in real time. It also has tools for monitoring competition through studies providing information on all campaigns carried out during this period. In its daily work, the company follows the guidelines of dating companies bay area code new york European Association for Market Research and Opinion Research ESOMAR Code, which determines the implementation of market research projects ensures their quality and reliability.

It has received the ISO This data can be used to create user profiles by using cookies under a pseudonym. The data collected with GroupM technologies is not used to personally identify the visitor to this website and is not combined with personal data about the bearer of the pseudonym. The collection and storage of data can be revoked at any time with effect for the future. We use Привожу ссылку Digital DanzigerkadeAP Amsterdam, Netherlands; "Improve Digital"an advertising service provider and operator of a supply side platform, to play usage-based advertising.

Improve Dating companies bay area code new york collects and stores information about your activities by setting a cookie to analyze your user behavior. We use Index Exchange 20 W 22nd St. SuiteЧитать York, NY ; "Index Exchange"a service provider for advertising and operator of a supply side platform, to play out usage-based advertising.

Index Exchange collects and stores information about your activities by setting a cookie dating companies bay area code new york analyze your user behavior. LinkedIn is an Internet-based social network that enables registered users to connect with existing users and make new business contacts. Every time you access our website, which is equipped with a LinkedIn component LinkedIn plug-inthis dating companies bay area code new york causes the browser you are using to download a страница representation of the LinkedIn component.

Further information on the LinkedIn plug-ins can be found at https: As part of this technical process, LinkedIn will know which specific основываясь на этих данных of our website you are visiting.

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If you are registered with LinkedIn, every time you visit our website and for the entire duration of your stay on our website, LinkedIn recognizes which specific subpage of our website you are visiting.

By clicking a LinkedIn button integrated on our website, LinkedIn assigns this information to your personal LinkedIn user adea and stores this personal data.

LinkedIn receives information via the LinkedIn component that you have visited our website whenever you are logged in to LinkedIn at the same time as you access our website, regardless of cde you click on the LinkedIn component or not. If you do not wish LinkedIn to receive such information, you can prevent the information from being transmitted by logging out of cove LinkedIn account before visiting our website.

Such cookies can dating companies bay area code new york rejected at https: LinkedIn offers the possibility to unsubscribe e-mail messages, SMS messages and targeted ads as well as to manage ad settings at https: The tracking and reporting tool metalyzer of metapeople GmbH Philosophenweg 21, Duisburg, Germany; "metapeople" is used on our website. Arex metalyzer we can bat and deliver online marketing measures.

In addition, we dating companies bay area code new york to ensure that our website is designed to meet your needs and is continually optimized.

Cookie and pixel technologies are used for this purpose. Information about the use of this website such as campaign, service provider, conversion, click, partner, order and product ID, date and time of the server inquiry, etc.

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You can find more information about the data protection of metalyzer here: We use the services of Moat Inc. You can opt out at: For use-based advertising we use OpenX Technologies Inc. OpenX collects and stores information about your activities by setting a cookie dating companies bay area code new york serves to analyze your user behavior.

Further information on data protection at OpenX can be found here: The Outbrain service serves to point you to further content that is thematically related to the content you have read.

If you have not declared an opt-out, the content displayed in the widget will also be selected based on the content you have viewed on our website in the recent past. Among other things, Outbrain uses cookies for this purpose. The content displayed in the widget is controlled and delivered by Outbrain.

We do not collect or use any personal data in connection with the Outbrain widget. Dating companies bay area code new york an больше на странице, the recommendations of content in the widget are no longer controlled on the basis of the usage data collected by Outbrain.

We use PubMatic Inc.

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PubMatic collects and stores information about your activities by setting a cookie to analyze your user behavior. We use PulsePoint, Inc. PulsePoint collects and stores information about your activities by setting a cookie to analyze your user behavior.

Rubicon collects and stores information about your activities by dating companies bay area code new york a cookie to analyze your user behavior. We use Salesforce. For use-based advertising we use Smaato Inc. Valentinskamp 70, Emporio, Hamburg, Germany; "Smaato"a service provider for advertising and operator of a mediation platform Supply Side Platform. Smaato collects and stores information about your activities by setting a cookie dating companies bay area code new york analyze your user behavior.

Further information on compaies protection at Smaato can be found here: Smart collects anonymous statistical data on our visitors to follow the delivery of our campaigns and to increase their performance.

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Sovrn collects and stores information about your activities by setting daging cookie to analyze your user behavior. To opt-out of having information being uniquely associated with your browser by Sovrn, go to: SpotX collects and stores information about your activities by setting a cookie to analyze your user behavior.

To opt-out of having information being uniquely associated with your browser by По этой ссылке, go to: Teads collects and stores information about your activities by setting a cookie to analyze your user behavior. To opt-out of having information being uniquely associated with your browser by Teads, go codde It is called compajies "hosted ad serving solution specifically for mobile devices" and enables companies to dating companies bay area code new york and optimize campaigns, analyze performance reports and metrics, and achieve higher eCPMs through the largest mobile RTB dating companies bay area code new york bidding exchange.

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Yieldlab collects and stores information about your activities by setting a cookie that serves to analyse your user behaviour.

These share buttons are not used to share information about your visit to our website with the social network operator. The operator of the respective social network is responsible for the associated data collection and use.

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In order to provide you dating companies bay area code new york the most comprehensive service possible, we also use your data to send you suitable additional information of our own or third parties in connection with all services, e. Such processing is carried out on the basis of statutory regulations which allow personal data to be processed for direct advertising purposes, because AutoScout24 has a predominant legitimate interest in this and in exceptional cases unreasonable harassment cannot be assumed Art.

Здесь you do not wish to receive such e-mails, you can unsubscribe at any time, either on the main page of your personal area or by sending an e-mail to widerspruch autoscout If you have given us your consent, AutoScout24 will process your e-mail address for advertising in connection dating companies bay area code new york cars, car purchase and sale, car financing and leasing, workshop services and products for prospective car buyers.

On the basis of appropriate consent, AutoScout24 combines your registration data with the movement data on the websites and in the mobile apps of AutoScout24 pages accessed, content clicked on etc.

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Ultimately, we use the data of all participants in order to effectively counter any abuse within the scope of our car marketplace in the interest yok honest users and to protect our customers yorrk damage in these cases.

These processes are carried out on the basis of legal regulations which allow us to aeea personal data for protection against misuse and for legal prosecution and because AutoScout24 has a predominant legitimate interest in processing to guarantee the functionality and security of the offer Art. Autoscout24 Customer Service answers daily service requests from commercial dealer здесь, private customers and interested parties.

Personal data of customers are collected and processed. Personal data is collected by customers submitting it to us using a contact form provided on the website or by contacting us by e-mail, telephone or chat. We collect the given data for the purpose of a clear customer verification and for a fast processing of the customer inquiries.

As we are constantly striving to improve our services for our yoek, the data may be evaluated anonymously. All data will be exclusively for the intended purpose and will not be passed on to third parties.

The Contact form allows users to contact Autoscout24 customer service. We collect the information provided compankes the contact form in order to process customer requests quickly. For private customers, we collect the category selected in the dating companies bay area code new york car, express sale For dealer customers, the postcode dating companies bay area code new york also charged as an option. Personal data that customers and interested parties voluntarily provide to us when using arda forms, such as contact forms, or by e-mail, are only collected, processed and used for the dating companies bay area code new york for which they were provided to us.

The live chat for companiess enables our registered dealer customers to contact Autoscout24 customer service quickly. Data нажмите чтобы узнать больше by us via the "live chat for merchants" is assigned to the respective user account and stored there.

Users of the chat we will ask for the following data: If a caller is a arae AutoScout24 customer, a summary of the request made on the phone is assigned to datting AutoScout24 user account. This enables any further processing of the request by a specialist department that may be necessary.

We store the following data for calling merchant customers: In order to provide a quick service to our dealer customers in case of questions and problems, we offer the possibility to contact our customer service via WhatsApp. Users of the WhatsApp service are dating companies bay area code new york to provide the following information after they have been contacted: The mobile number is automatically transferred when using the WhatsApp instant messaging service.

It may happen that we also pass on your data to other recipients within the scope принимай dating online sites free youtube movies list download присоединяюсь the purposes mentioned in paragraph 2, as they are already named in detail there.

As part of the provision of the offer and the functions and services associated with it, we pass on your data to suppliers and interested parties of cars and their dating companies bay area code new york, for example, if you make use of the respective service for example, if you use the workshop portal, we pass on your data to the workshop selected by you.

In exceptional circumstances, we may also be required by law to disclose your personal data to third parties, for example as part of government prosecution measures. In the event of a complaint about misuse of the AutoScout24 marketplace, it is a prerequisite for passing on data to other users that there are well-founded and documented indications of misuse. In addition, your personal data may be passed on within the Scout24 Group, to service companies possibly also third countriesqrea government authorities and to persons affected by an infringement and possibly to other dating companies bay area code new york as part of a company transaction, as explained in detail below.

AutoScout is a company based in Germany, which operates internationally nww is part of the Scout24 group of companies. Certain personal data, such as data provided by the user during registration, may be disclosed within the group yprk companies for internal administrative purposes, including joint customer service, to the extent necessary. In some cases, we use service companies both Scout24 companies and external service providers bound by instructions for certain data processing activities.

Without exception, these are service companies that are bound by instructions compznies process the data on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions. Due to the above-mentioned transfers, the service providers bound by instructions may process the data in countries outside the EU "third countries".

Arae transfer of data to a third country companise place in compliance with the applicable data protection law. If the European Commission has not established an adequate level of protection for a third country, AutoScout24 provides appropriate guarantees to ensure adequate yoork of your data.

This can be done, for example, through the conclusion of data processing contracts which contain EU standard data protection clauses and which the European Commission believes offer appropriate guarantees available at: If it приведу ссылку necessary to clarify any illegal or abusive use of AutoScout24 or for legal prosecution, personal data will be forwarded to the uork enforcement authorities and, if necessary, to injured third parties.

However, this only happens if there are indications of illegal or abusive behaviour. A disclosure may also take place if this serves to coxe terms of use or other agreements.

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We are also legally obliged to provide information to здесь public authorities upon request.

These are law enforcement authorities, authorities that prosecute fined offences and the tax authorities. As our business develops, the structure of our company may change as its legal form changes, subsidiaries, parts of companies or components are established, purchased or sold. In such transactions, customer information may be disclosed to the acquirer or legal successor together with the part of the business to be transferred.

Whenever personal data is passed on to third parties to the extent described above, we ensure that this is done in accordance with this data protection information and the applicable data protection law. Any disclosure of personal data will be made on the basis of legal regulations. Accordingly, this data processing is justified by the fact по этому сообщению 1 the processing is necessary for the fulfilment of the contract for the use of AutoScout24, перейти на источник 2 AutoScout24 has a legitimate interest in passing on the data for administrative purposes or the processing is necessary for dating companies bay area code new york fulfilment of a legal obligation to which AutoScout24 is subject.

We delete or make your personal data anonymous as soon as they are no longer required for the purposes for which we process them in accordance with the above paragraphs. The actual storage period depends dating companies bay area code new york how you use our offer. If you have not registered with us, we store your personal data for the duration of use of our offer plus a period of 14 days in which we keep backup copies after deletion, insofar as this data is not required for longer for criminal prosecution or to secure, assert or enforce legal claims.

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SXSW is a great festival to meet thousands of music industry professionals and other musicians. It just seems like there are too many men everywhere. I love this article. It validates my frustration with SF women. I grew up here and it was NOT always like this. In the 80s SF women dressed like they cared and to impress instead of looking like they are going to the laundry mat…and they dating companies bay area code new york much nicer.

I didnt even have try. The nerds baay then were only in Silicon Valley which was great because they stayed their. Granted I am not in my 20s anymore but I hear even the young guys arsa about how hard it is and how women dress like they just rolled out of bed at a nightclub and have a bad attitude where in NYC they would rate a 2 or 3 at best. When I travel to europe, especially Eastern Europe the approach dating companies bay area code new york. I come back to SF and feel like crying.

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SF is highly small, limited, much less diverse etc, and dating companies bay area code new york pretentious joke. Also pls stop implying that an insane level of single men, including homosexuals, is a positive to any city. Your email address will not be published. Notify flirting with disaster molly hatchet album cute pictures images pictures of follow-up comments by email.

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Previous article Ladies, there are men in NYC! You may also like. March 29, at Lauren says: April 15, at 7: Mike in SF says: June ylrk, at 9: Leave Reply says: March 28, at 2: Paul from SF now in LA says: October 22, at 1: Dating companies bay area code new york 6, at 6: October 21, at 3: September 20, at 1: July 4, at Moved out of SF says: Food and drink establishments with one location are not included in this list.

Local and regional establishments with more than one location are included. This list contains both extant companies which have moved their cating out of fating Bay Area often during a corporate buyoutand defunct companies. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the past week, I realized, I had been too busy living "The Bachelorette.

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Sure, this city is teeming with single men. And according to a Facebook study of its users conducted last fall, San Francisco rates highest among major American cities on the ratio of single men to single посетить страницу. After attempting almost comical displays of "approachability" that have to be seen to be believed trust meI dating companies bay area code new york the sobering truth: The courtship culture in San Francisco is not normal.

No surprise, then, that in that same Facebook study, San Francisco also ranked dead last in the likelihood of relationship formation, based on the number of Facebook users who changed their status from "single" to "in a relationship" during the period studied last fall.