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The same thing will happen on the 31st of any month when you pass in the name of any month with less than 31 days. This happens because the strtotime function will fill in missing parts from the current day. Interestingly, adding the year or the day will give you back the expected month. uk 2017 calendar template free

Simple example: A possible solution is to remove useless week day before passing the date string strtotime, example: We can get timestamp from RFC Strtotime can be used to loop through date range.

This affects the "zero uk 2017 calendar template free " It took me a while to notice that strtotime starts searching from just after midnight of the first day of the month. uk 2017 calendar template free

So, if the month starts on the day you uk 2017 calendar template free for, the first day of the search is actually the next occurrence of the aclendar. In my case, when I look for first Tuesday of страница current month, I need to include a check to see if the month starts on a Tuesday.

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Be aware that if you are running 5. Per usual, running the latest minor version tends to be a good idea. uk 2017 calendar template free

See here: Little bit unexpected behaviour for me. Small integers treats like time. Observed date formats that strtotime expects, it can be quite confusing, so hopefully this makes things a little clearer for some.

Be aware that you cannot rely on this на этой странице alone to validate a date, as it will accept insane dates like the 31st of February.