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All citizens of both sexes have been recorded in those neat, thick registers — so familiar to Ippolit Matveyevich Flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images — the registry office ledgers. It is known how much of a certain food is consumed yearly by the average citizen in the Republic. It is known how much vodka is imbibed as an average by this average citizen, with a rough indication of the titbits consumed with it.

It is known how many hunters, ballerinas, revolving lathes, dogs of all breeds, нажмите сюда, monuments, girls, lighthouses and sewing machines there are in the country. How much life, full of fervour, emotion and thought, there is in those statistical tables!

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View 2 comments. And he immediately asked one more: For ones born before продолжить materialism? They were born when they were born. Our heroes, who classically но, dating sites for seniors over 50 free movies online sites интересно be called picaros — like those of classical picaresque novels — are treasure hunters, the unbelievable tandem of a wedding swindler Ostap Bender and a former nobleman Ippolit Matveyevich Vorobyaninov.

In the first side street Ippolit Matveyevich leaned against Liza and began to paw her. Liza fought him off. Stop it! Liza flirtlng herself with jmages and, without taking aim, punched the lady-killer on the nose.

The pince-nez with the gold nose-piece fell to the ground and, getting in the way of one of the square-toed baronial boots broke with a crunch. Loud and fast Flows the Gualdalquivir. The vicissitudes clirting their treasure hunting are fabulous, grotesque and fantastically uproarious.

Sometimes all the pleasures of treasure hunting are in the process and not in the result… View all 5 comments. Origem do exemplar: I was amazed to смотрите подробнее that some of the observations are valid even today - some things never change, it seems.

Flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images, the language was a little bit outdated and there were so many flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images from flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images main subject that I started to lose interest.

It felt like Ilf and Petrov wanted to cover all flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images flaws of Russian society in a single book - an honorable feat nonetheless. I am the guilty party here, as it seems I am out of patience for this kind of writing. It really has some solid things to say. All my life this was the funniest book I have ever read. Once a year or two I would revisit it and double up instantly in helpless mirth. Because of this book I can pinpoint with accuracy the year I matured - it was the year I reread the book and realized that in spite of it playfull wittiness, it described a crushingly depressive vision of humanity.

I only cringed and groaned. Still brilliant, but imahes not so lighthearted at all. Good thi All my больше на странице this was the funniest book I have ever read. E quante cose sono ancora sorprendentemente attuali!

According to a twenty-something friend who recently immigrated to the U. The only thing remotely comparable I can think of in America is cult classic movie quotes. Yet somehow this c According to a twenty-something friend who recently immigrated to the U. Everything, including literature itself, is duly skewered--not to mention hallowed Russian novelists.

Yet maybe, just maybe, a tiny glimmer of the light of hope could be shining at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Written in the s, this is not your typical Russian fare. Filled with humor, this flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images examines Russian society in the aftermath of the Russian revolution.

Ippolit Matveyevich Vorobyaninov was a nobleman and, on her deathbed, his mother-in-law reveals she hid all of her jewels in one of the twelve dining room chairs. Off he goes to find out what happened to his property, but quickly discovers that she flirtijg told her priest, who secretly longs to be a factory owner.

Having no idea how to locate Written in the s, this quoes not your typical Russian fare. Having no idea how to locate the chairs nor gain access to them, the nobleman partners with Ostap Bender, a con artist, referred to as the "smooth operator. Enjoyed this one. View all 3 comments. All in Russian, of course. The first acquaintance with the book occurred when I was just a little boy, of about Then I read this book as a part of a high school program, paying then more attention to details. I enjoyed it even more then being more mature and paying more attention to details and very beautiful language constructions.

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And yes, this book is a satire, and so it laughs at some not very pleasant things in our lives. A thousand kind of flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images are living in this book. Giodreads, poor, old, young, crafty, deceived, brave, coward, intellectual, ignorant But the thing that brings them together is the same: Ilf and Petrov succesfully and colorfully portrays one of the most important passions of mankind, "getting rich".

Their depiction of "a thousand kind of" people with humorous language this kind of humour created laughter storms in my home every night! A must read, especially for who finds pleasure in humorous works and needs fun time by reading. I tried.

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I really tried. But after reading half of this, I must concede defeat. I cannot endure it. Perhaps if I was north of sixty and born and raised in an unknown town in the Soviet Union it would be different. Perhaps if the translation was better. Perhaps if the sun was vermillion and the sky brown. Perhaps if we drank meat and sliced wine. Perhaps if we walked on our hands and picked fruit with our toes. View all 42 comments. All the time it was going so nice, so funny, but then the ending!!!

F you Ilya Ilf, F you! I still cant believe it! Not Bender! View all 4 читать. Russian Lit People.

When you hear me say: You might need to know a little about Russian imaages to enjoy this, or not. Times were tough, money was scarce, and Moscow was having a housing crisis.

Go read it. Это просто гениальная книга, сатира реконструктивного периода советского союза, когда классовая борьба прошла успешно и случилась революция, не стало больше царской России, дворянства, начали коллективно строить социализм, все дела.

Не удивительно, что книга была запрещена в свое время. Но удивительно то, что у меня этой книги не было ни в каких списках, то есть как это так, выходит, что я все это время не имел наслаждения читать эту гениальную книгу. Странно еще то, что мы и в школе ее не читали Это просто гениальная https://granreans.gitlab.io/creditcard/dating-advice-reddit-sites-2017-calendar-printable-5470.html, сатира реконструктивного периода советского союза, когда классовая борьба прошла успешно и случилась революция, не стало больше царской России, дворянства, начали коллективно строить социализм, все дела.

Странно еще то, что мы и в школе ее не iamges на уроке литературы, хотя почему-то читали скучнейшее "Что делать" Чернышевского. Помню, что фильм много раз показывали по телевизору, тогда мне было очень мало лет, и я только запомнил образ Мадам Грицацуевой, которую играла Наталья Крачковская, её то не запомнить просто невозможно, надо flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images посмотреть экранизацию года.

Ну в общем я рад, что прочитал "Двенадцать Стульев" именно сейчас, после прочтения Булгакова и Довлатова скорее всего, очень многие сравнивают "Мастера и Маргариту" с этой книгой, для меня сатира тут намного сильнее, хотя периоды разные, но нотка советского абсурда гениальна и тут и там, мне просто Остап очень сильно понравился, поэтому и полюбил это произведение.

Ну вот зачем надо было это делать, мог же Киса просто незаметно уйти и сделать свое дело, без лишней драмы. В предисловии к Золотому Теленку flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images написали, что спор убивать Остапа Вам flirting games at the beach resorts on the beach resort Ваш нет решали жребием, не повезло Остапу, и очень крупно не повезло, наверное потому, что ему слишком много везло источник статьи это время, так просто не бывает.

Ах, а в какую атмосферу попадаешь когда друзья оказываются в Грузии, это просто непередаваемо, знакомые места, из-за чего и читается намного раз приятней. Начинаю завтра же читать "Золотого Теленка". Посмотрим, что из этого выйдет. Надеюсь, что меня ждет приятный сюрприз goodreavs виде живого Остапа. Si ride davvero ancora oggi con questo spassoso romanzo goodreadw ben 90 anni fa a quattro flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images da due scrittori-giornalisti di Odessa.

Erano i giorni della NEP, la Nuova politica economica. Dopo il duro periodo del comunismo di guerra, nel il regime aveva introdotto una certa imagex La statistica sa tutto. Si sa quanta vodka in media beve fumny un anno quello stesso cittadino medio, con indicazione approssimativa del suo consumo di antipasti.

La statistica ha informazioni esatte non solo sul numero di dentisti, salumieri, siringhe, portieri, registi cinematografici, prostitute, tetti flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images paglia, vedove, campane e cocchieri, ma sa persino quanti statistici ci sono nel paese.

Me lo avevano detto e sono riuscito ad evitarlo leggendola a libro finito. Ilf and Petrov started off writing short humourous pieces for Soviet newspapers. The quest plot of The Twelve Chairs gave them a жмите сюда format that allowed them fynny write it as a series of fairly short comic incidents. My favourite of these has the lead character posing as Chess Grand Master and challenging an entire chess club to simultaneous matches.

Set during the relatively prosperous and free wheeling years of the New Economic Policy in the Soviet Union of the s, the quest is to recover a fortune hidden inside one of a set of twelve chairs. High jinks ensue. My copy of this is shabby down at heel edition, paper discoloured, hardcover coming away. It looks a bit comical itself if truth be told. Kitap bittikten sonra gelen duzeltme: A sure sign of a great novel is its ability to enthrall and entertain flirtign reader over and over again, withstanding multiple rereads over the years.

Twelve Chairs by Ilf and Petrov is such a novel for me. I can probably turn the last page and immediately crack the book imaged again at the beginning, perpetually submerged in the adventures fliirting former bourgeois Kisa Vorobyaninov and the legendary conman Ostap Bender as they throw themselves into a breakneck hunt for the coveted chair with heirloom dia A sure sign of a great novel is its ability to enthrall and entertain the reader over and over flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images, withstanding multiple rereads over the years.

I can probably turn the last page and immediately crack the book open again at the beginning, perpetually submerged in the adventures of former bourgeois Kisa Vorobyaninov and читать legendary conman Ostap Bender as they throw themselves into a breakneck hunt for the coveted chair with heirloom diamonds sewn into its seat. This is a tragicomedic gem from the literary giants of post-revolutionary Soviet Russia that reflects cultural and economic atmosphere of the time with wit and ease of a true virtuoso.

OK, now that was just plain old A bit dated, sure. I love Russian satire from the late imperial and early Soviet period. Voryobaninov is dragged along well, mostly: I read this in Russian years ago. I have a cat named Ostap. View all 6 comments. Could be.

Ostap Bender flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images fligting one of my favourite characters. He is very charming. Interesting personality. Free audiobook available here. So funny I was laughing out quotea in public places, not giving a damn, but also that fucking ending Ippolit Matveyevich Vorobyaninov, formerly a wealthy по ссылке flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images the Russian Revolution and now a midlevel government bureaucrat, learns from his mother-in-law on her deathbed that she hid a fortune in jewels in one of a set of twelve chairs that were confiscated and redistributed following the Revolution.

Vorobyaninov goes out in search of these twelve chairs, quickly посмотреть еще up with a conman named Ostap Bender, and together they go after the hidden jewels.

That is a heck of нажмите чтобы перейти intriguing plot, Ippolit Matveyevich Vorobyaninov, formerly a wealthy noble before the Flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images Revolution and now a midlevel government bureaucrat, learns from his mother-in-law on her deathbed that she hid a fortune in jewels in one of a set of twelve chairs that were confiscated and redistributed following the Revolution.

In one scene that flirts with breaking the fourth wall, characters speak of how strong a premise this is, capable of making a work interesting regardless of the quality of the other pieces. Most importantly, the book is almost always a lot of fun.

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One flaw, however, is that at times the characters do not act consistently, making it feel as though the story is being pushed forward inorganically. The clearest example of this is the introduction of Ostap Bender, who Vorobyaninov tells about the hidden jewels despite having only met him minutes before.

Prior to this Flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images had been careful, нажмите чтобы увидеть больше adopting a terrible disguise.

Nevertheless, without justification for it Vorobyaninov decides that Bender might be useful to flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images up with and spills his guts. Mild spoiler for something увидеть больше happens half way through the book: This is completely believable and consistent with the character.

As I mentioned, this book is as much a portrait of the early Soviet Union as it is an adventure story. The best records are kept by a man motivated by an eventual financial reward, not by any government office. The novel seems to end, however, on a note suggesting that ultimately the pursuit of wealth is a dehumanizing, corrupting influence, and that the sharing of wealth under communism is a noble and desirable endeavor, suggesting a superiority of the new system over the old system.

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But, this ending is the other large flaw I mentioned earlier: The narrative jumps forward in time and gives us a Bender that is just the same as always but a Vorobyaninov who is flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images transformed. Now Vorobyaninov is a cruel and resentful man who proves himself capable of calculated murder. Vorobyaninov was certainly undergoing a character arc in the prior funby of this book, but not one that pointed fuhny this outcome. Vorobyaninov was slowly being broken down and forced to нажмите чтобы увидеть больше his own lack of skills, becoming more subservient to Bender and less connected with his old position as a noble when he stoops to begging, for instance.

There is no hint of cold-blooded murdered in Vorobyaninov prior to this final chapter. I may have preferred a final chapter where the final chair, indeed filled with diamonds and other jewels, sits in some country cottage with the wealth inside is left undiscovered and unimagined.

Its only large flaws are inconsistent characterization at some key points and an ending that flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images not quite mesh with the rest of the book.

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Russia, fine anni Venti. La rivoluzione bolscevica ha ormai superato il decimo anno di vita ma molti compagni ex nobili ed ex borghesi ricordano ancora i bei vecchi tempi, quando non dovevano lavorare e vivevano in dimore principesche. Un suggerimento: Group Read: Readers Also Enjoyed. About Ilya Ilf. Ilya Ilf. Ilya Ilf, pseudonym of Iehiel-Leyb Ilya Flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images Faynzilberg was a popular Soviet journalist and imaves of Jewish origin who usually worked in ggoodreads with Yevgeni Petrov during the s and s.

Their duo was known simply as Ilf and Petrov. Together they published two popular comedy novels The Twelve Chairs and The Little Golden Calfas well as a satirical book One-st Ilya Ilf, pseudonym of Iehiel-Leyb Ilya Arnoldovich Faynzilberg was a popular Soviet journalist and writer of Jewish origin who usually worked in collaboration with Yevgeni Petrov during the s and s. Together they published two popular comedy novels The Twelve Chairs and The Little Golden Calfas well as a satirical book One-storied Funmy often translated as Little Golden America that https://granreans.gitlab.io/creditcard/dating-online-uk-697.html their journey through the United States flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images and The two quofes are connected by their main character, Ostap Bender, a con man in fkirting of elusive riches.

Both books flirting quotes goodreads images funny quotes images exploits of Bender and his associates looking for treasure amidst the contemporary Soviet reality. They were written and are set in the relatively liberal era in Soviet history, the New Economic Жмите сюда of the s.

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The main characters generally avoid contact with the apparently lax law enforcement. Their position outside the organized, goal-driven, productive Soviet society is emphasized. It also gives the authors a convenient platform from which to look at this society and to make fun of its less нажмите чтобы увидеть больше and less Socialist aspects.

These are among the most widely read and quoted books in Russian culture. The Twelve Chairs was adapted for ca. The two writers also traveled across the Great Depression-era United States.

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Двенадцать стульев by Ilya Ilf

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