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View all 9 comments. Jan 05, Vismay rated it it was amazing. This book is bokks gold mine. Labor relations, gopdreads management, marketing, Govt. More than that it teaches you about persistence, about having a greed for ambition, about confronting petty egos, not falling in the paralysis of analysis and doing something, and about having guts to do what might be unpopular now but right in the long term. Many of th This book is a gold mine.

Many of the concepts that I have learnt in the management education, finds a way in this book. As a greedy, ambitious person by demeanor, the first half of the book taught me to be flirtinng and more ambitious still. The latter-half told me not to plug my head in the ground when trouble starts knocking onlone the door.

More than that, it gives me a glimpse in the world of the auto industry. It gives me a peek into the head of the man whom the world calls a marketing genius. This book is as relevant inas it was in Nov 15, Gautham Vasan rated it liked it. I have a hard time believing Lee Iacocca can handle criticism. Throughout the book, he either derides his detractors or vehemently defends his decisions. Читать полностью on, when he keeps disparaging Henry Ford Jr, he comes across as resentful and flirting quotes goodreads online books downloads hurt.

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I could be wrong, but it looked like he changed his ideology the moment it flirting quotes goodreads online books downloads serving him. I honestly do not flirting quotes goodreads online books downloads the American obsession with blowing their own trumpet.

Just when I though Iacocca started to make sense, he threw me off with this line: Striving for greatness читать статью make others envious is one of the the most idiotic reasons to do so.

It still sounds like a bunch of nincompoops claiming to be the best when no one around them gives a shit. As with most autobiographies, it suffers from the bias of its author. Jul 03, Https://granreans.gitlab.io/creditcard/flirting-with-forty-watch-online-watch-season-6-episodes-5981.html rated it liked it Recommends it for: Managers, Libertarians, Liberals.

Lee Iacocca wrote this book while he was still seen as one of the most successful managers in American automotive fligting, after he had switched from working for Ford to become CEO of the ailing Chrysler, and had managed to rescue it temporarily, as it turned out from foreign onnline.

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No dogs, no apes — only people. This is what he saw as the secret to his success, his ability to put people in the positions where they could do the most satisfying work for themselves, and thus strengthen the organization, and this is the most flkrting lesson of the book.

Hesounds like a disgruntled ex-employee whenever he talks about Henry Ford, Jr. A bit better, although also biased, is some of his discussion of economics. He flirting quotes goodreads online books downloads from a working-class immigrant family, and, while far from a radical, trends a bit more to the Left than others of his profession.

Overall, the book is far from perfect, but not a waste of time either. Sep 18, Danila rated it liked it Shelves: Книга входит в список 99 книг рекомендованных Personal MBA, поэтому я решил ее прочитать. Книга рассказывает о биографии одного flirting quotes goodreads online books downloads выдающихся деятелей в автомобильной индустрии Ли Якокка, по руководством которого было выпущено много успешных моделей: Мустанг, Фиеста у Форд, а также нескольких популярных моделей у Крайслера.

В книге описывается период обучения автора, приход в компанию Форд стажем инженера, перевод в отдел сбыта и далее его карьерный рост и "приключения". В книге flirtlng подробно ос Взято отсюда входит в список 99 книг рекомендованных Personal MBA, поэтому я решил ее прочитать. В книге очень подробно освещён процесс предоставления гарантированных займов flirting quotes goodreads online books downloads крайслер правительством США.

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Просто все случалось. Просто назначили на должность. F,irting died happy. Which do you want to hear first? His brother is profoundly deaf, and my mother-in-law yells each line—but screws it up—as my husband tries to proceed.

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If you want to understand some of the techniques of humor, the book is a quick, light read, though rather scant. View all 7 comments. Книга, несомненно, пригодится всем, перейти мечтает стать звездой Comedy Club или тому подобной петросянщины.

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