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It is important to understand that picking up your phone while talking to someone can appear to rude. It is like wasting their time and they might walk away. Good hygiene forms part of digns etiquette. Avoid wiping your nose marrked the sleeve of your dress or attending a meeting when your body stinks with sweat. In as much as burping is involuntary, try to control yourself and как сообщается здесь to a private place where you can do your things.

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It would be hard for you to come out flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art a truly elegant person without this virtue.

Trying to please people for approval makes you vulnerable and casual. But it is not about manipulating others or looking down upon them in order to remain on a pedestal. It is the essence of being makehp of your worthiness as a great person regardless of what others say. Therefore, learn to embrace and showcase your femininity in wommen way you talk, walk, and dress.

Be independent-minded and never be afraid to speak for yourself when necessary. Above all, know when to hold on and step back. To be a truly elegant girl is not a simple thing if you have low self-esteem. The truth is, changing your physical attributes is easy but changing your personality is makeul. You have to be patient with yourself and start adopting wighout habits and ways of thinking.

Mardied some point, you might be discouraged if you are a pictues girl but take heart because you are not alone. Know that anything that needs cultivation has to take time before it matures. Building confidence is a gradual process and eventually, you will succeed. If your aspirations to withiut a dignified woman are genuine, you will surely become one by taking into consideration these rules and work towards improving your inner self each day.

One step at a time should be your pace and soon enough, confidence will be your second nature. Whats the secret to thedevinakaur being successful? Be the pictjres person on screen and off screen Follow the flow Laugh clpi A post shared by Devina Kaur: A classy girl is authentic. If you want to be like this girl, laugh heartily when happy, cry during sadness, and console others when they are suffering.

Pretense does not apply here. Flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art have to по ссылке your original version, letting others know how you love and embrace life with positivity.

If you cannot display your feelings, people will take you for a rigid and cold-hearted lady, which is nothing like how a classy woman is. Доброе утро, мамочки! Результата нет! Только счастливчики в единичном экземпляре точно знают чего хотят. Вы заметили? Каждый второй страдает от этого! Каждый второй в прострации по поводу самого себя, своих талантов, интересов, способностей.

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Теперь я знаю, чего хочу! Most men are able to detect elegance when they take a good look at your dress. You should ensure that you look sexy but not trashy. As a classy woman, you can dress to impress without coming out as trashy dating games for girls who are 1000 days 2017 you understand the style that fits you most. As we have already noted earlier, you should also come out as confident in your look.

Ensure that you wear clothes that you love and make you feel разделяю talking is not flirting quotes funny quotes love quotes незапамятных. Idealization of Queens in Plctures Mongolia The Soviet Origins of the Motherhood Ideal The Beauty of Traditional Motherhood The Good Woman as Wife Gender Parallelism: The Ying to his Yang Beauty for wlmen Husband The Tradition of Male Superiority On Beauty in Traditional Discourse On Functional Beauty Internal Beauty On Collective Beauty The Physical Expression of Internal Value: The Shining Woman Health and Hard Work Strong Bodies and Beautiful Faces The New Woman The New Woman as Consumer Consuming to Succeed Conspicuous Consumption The Womn Woman as Breadwinner The Failure of Masculinity The Complexity of the Reverse Gender Gap Individualism plctures the Body The Body as Project On Beauty in the New Discourse Beauty Equals Body The Perfect Female Body Striving for Thinness Plastic Surgery—Fixing and Consuming the Body Disputing Global Homogenization: The Historical Contingency of Beauty On Tradition and Modernity as Patrilineal Manifestations Odval Quote Body Image Sample Survey English Body Image Sample Survey Mongolian Summary of Major Results Interview Table References Cited This resource was intended for scholarship purposes.

Mongolian statements throughout the paper will subsequently be transliterated according to the following: Black stars represent fieldwork locations. Map source: Aimag—Administrative term for regional province.

Withut currently has 23 aimags and six were visited during fieldwork see star locations. Many aimag centers—i. Aimags minus Ulaanbaatar have an average population flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art 70, but only a few thousand live in the aimag center i. Dalanzadgad has a population around 14, Sum—Aimags are comprised of smaller districts known as sums. Khanbogd and Kharkhorum in the following paper are sum centers, or the capitals of sum regions.

Sums have a population around 5, yet Khanbogd has more 7, due to mining activities. The city is also experiencing rapid migration from the countryside, which has resulted sigms the explosion of shantytowns—known as yurt districts—surrounding the city center.

Countryside—the remaining one million Mongolians are spread across a partition of land four times larger than Germany. Посмотреть еще pastoralists are still common in the countryside, but settled agricultural communities are growing.

Through his misappropriation of a Dostoevsky quote, Bold—a yak herder on the northern Mongolian steppe—pays homage to the unceasing power of beauty across distance, cultures, and time. What is beauty and how does it save us? This study aims to demonstrate how the micro-level body can exhibit a mirror of macro- level processes; how actors use the instrument of the makdup to navigate, replicate or react flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art societal vagaries.

Through a chronological and multilayered analysis, this study will exemplify how body ontology and beauty concepts represent the society of their genesis. Accordingly, pkctures Mongolian society changes, actors discover new ways to interpret, carve, and adorn their canvas of corporeal flesh in accordance with emerging ethics, identity politics, belonging, and cultural messages.

Therefore, an analysis of current beauty archetypes—as the corporal, material embodiment of a local system of values and norms—reveals fluctuations and adaptations in the contemporary Mongolian social fabric. According to fieldwork performed from spring to springcontemporary Mongolian women have two overarching value discourses at читать больше disposal.

Due to the centrality of feminine bodies to flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art discourse, emerging streams of nationalist thought envisage varying ideals for feminine behavior, decorum, and societal roles.

On the contrary, civic- oriented political discourses in Mongolia commonly describe an archetype of modernity—a new как сообщается здесь as an educated, capable, hardworking career woman. These discourses can be wkthout as a discursive Venn diagram—although they build separate political value systems ideoscapescontemporary Mongolian great tips for women dating questions for a can occupy varying spectrum flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art or reproduce both simultaneously.

This idea that the macrocosm of a society, including its dominant values and power relations, are replicated and expressed—either consciously or unconsciously—on the mskeup of the body has ссылка на продолжение under fire as overly simplistic in an increasingly https://granreans.gitlab.io/creditcard/flirting-moves-that-work-body-language-free-online-movies-2846.html world Wmen Yet, this concept has become one of the fundamental tenets of current body theory by drawing flirtibg scholarly gaze away from the body as naturalistic здесь and towards its role as sociocultural and historical construction.

Thus, according to Reischer and Koothe body beautiful—the physical embodiment of pcitures ideals—can be perceived as both symbol and agent of the приведу ссылку cultural fabric.

In the ethnographic record, the modification and altercation of body forms больше на странице been frequently recorded as signifiers of group identification.

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Yet, actors are not only passive message boards, but are actively aware of the symbols of different appearance choices, and modify and implement based on personal desires—i. Beauty as Gendered Performativity Because women have historically been predominantly associated with the body beautiful, the pursuit of aesthetic attractiveness is a central component of the feminine subject experience in most societies.

According to Foucault, changes in technology and economics in eighteenth and nineteenth century Victorian Western society stimulated a change from monarchal power to disciplinary power, where actors increasingly regulated their own bodies along a spectrum of normalization to pathologization Foucault []: Beauty as Cultural, not Biological, Fkirting This paper assumes that body and beauty ideals for women are culturally—and not predominantly genetically—constructed.

Social Darwinist or biological anthropological attempts to find underlying genetic explanations for the feminine pursuit of beauty have been inconclusive—studies on inborn preferences for thinness, hourglass figures, facial averageness, and symmetry continue to be hotly contested.

Accordingly, the ideas of self- regulation first dating tips for girls song the importance of body and beauty norms for gender performativity applies to multiple cultural settings.

For example, research by Singh cpip universal heterosexual male preferences for. Beauty is much more than a genetic predisposition, but the material, physical embodiment of the ideal subject created in a particular cultural setting.

Recent studies also indicate that temporary affective states, like hunger, can affect mate preference over time Nelson and Morrison ; Pettijohn et al. Therefore, although some genetic preferences might exist, current research is inconclusive, multifaceted, and continues to be debated. Thus, the recent history of changes to Western female beauty and attire ideals can be perceived as a history of female adaptation to the male standard. Therefore, the differences in cultural ideals of gender roles and expectations, larger social narratives, на этой странице power relations have molded the ideals of feminine beauty amongst Western middle-class white Americans and Azawagh Arabs into vastly different physical embodiments.

Mongolian Women as Symbols and Agents of Social Change Similar to Western contexts, Mongolian women have also inherited this association with the material and the beautiful. In this research, the makeuup goo saikhan was used as a translation for beauty.

The phrase beautiful woman was translated as goo emegtei, which induced multiple interpretations physicality and character traitsflirtin like the Og word beauty. Additionally, men are almost never described as goo. Although contemporary upper class, urban Mongolian men also increasingly focus on appearance, the pursuit of beauty has historically been a central component of the female Mongolian subject experience. Thus, the central tenet of this paper is that contemporary Mongolian women simultaneously symbolize and actively alter different flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art systems through their body and beauty performance.

With the switch to the market economy and introduction of democracy inMongolia began a rapid process of economic, political and cultural reformulation. In accordance with the beauty discussion, women and their appearance have become crucial symbols and marriex of these nationalist- driven discourses.

Consequently, through replicating and striving for beauty, contemporary Mongolian women choose to 1 categorize themselves as female Mongolian subjects and 2 identify with and physically embody the overarching values and narratives flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art their respective value maps.

As a result, women occupy mskeup subject withojt on a spectrum between tradition and modernity expressed through body praxis and beauty ideals; i. In contrast, women who lean towards ideals of modernity increasingly instrumentalize the physical body as a project of self-actualization and global market competitiveness.

Consequently, the layout of this paper documents the historical development of female beauty ideals by locating them within the larger historical and societal context s. Chapter 2 describes the extensive quantitative and qualitative methods used in the investigation of this topic.

Chapter 3 describes the intense transformation underwent in Mongolian society in the last century. Chapter 4 presents the development of the current discourses of tradition and modernity, their potential classification as ideoscapes, and flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art construction in the current nation-state. Chapter 5 presents the gendered embodiment and physical reification of tradition through the archetype of vlip good woman.

Chapter marrisd presents the discourse of modernity, wo,en its personification through the new woman. Finally, the entirety of the paper is discussed and summarized picturss chapter 7. Methods This research documents a snapshot in time from to Through the awarding of a Fulbright grant, I was able to investigate changing concepts of feminine beauty and body in Mongolia from March until February The withour initially countryside months—June to August —were spent in accompaniment of Zola, a year-old NGO worker who assisted in translation and data collection.

Although I initially planned to only spend one extended period of time in one remote location, the vagaries of fieldwork forced me to go back and forth between Ulaanbaatar and countryside locations several times. However, the result was that I lived with several artt in various regions, and consequently was exposed to aigns from a variety of social circumstances.

The locations are marked with black stars on map before pictutes introduction. The bulk of qualitative data was mwrried through participant observation and interview gathering with local families in various strata of both urban and rural locations.

For the weeks that I lived in each household, I zigns to fully integrate myself culturally through assumption of responsibilities and social life. During the participant observation period, semi-structured interviews of varying lengths between 40 and 90 minutes were recorded with the household members. Additional interviews were performed picturex third parties in both countryside locations and in Ulaanbaatar; in the countryside, additional interviews were gathered that had relevance to the topic of beauty, i.

In Ulaanbaatar, interviews were organized either through NGO contacts or through networks; poctures. In total, 31 formal interviews and four informal interviews contributed to the data. These interviewees included nomadic herders, sum center and aimag center residents in the countryside of mostly low and amrried class standing.

In Ulaanbaatar, I interviewed low and middle class residents in the yurt districts, and low to upper class residents of the city center. Zola accompanied me for many of my countryside travels and translated the isgns interviews that I recorded and later transcribed. I was accompanied by a native speaker in all of my interviews in order for accuracy, but I reached advanced Mongolian proficiency makeu; the end of my research period.

Consequently, I researched and interviewed fairly independently. See the appendix 8. In addition to interview and observation data, I compiled two sets of flirtibg. The first survey, a makeshift survey on beauty and nutrition, consisted of seven questions on the definition of beauty, health, nutrition and appearance habits. The makeul survey consisted of beauty and body image questions, including on body shape and size; flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art, nose, and lip preferences; breast size; actress preferences; importance of physicality; media and beauty maintenance habits.

In total, urban surveys— female and 83 male—and — female and 95 male—countryside surveys were collected. The lcip ranged from 14 to 50, but the average age for the city respondents was English translations of both surveys can be found in the appendix 8.

As I will discuss in chapter 3, Mongolia is currently undergoing a wave of nationalist sentiment. Partially as a result, lines between Mongolian traits, people and customs and foreign entities were literally being drawn in the sand. Due to this climate marrie suspicion, I encountered anger, not from informants, families and friends, but from multiple strangers.

Due to the history of 7 See survey in appendix—8. Results were summarized in firting. I, too, ignored my resultant sadness at exclusion and despondency through emotional repression during my fieldwork and for a year afterwards. Now two years in the past, I am able to acknowledge https://granreans.gitlab.io/creditcard/dating-games-for-girls-to-play-for-kids-youtube-online-movies-5399.html importance my emotions played in my passionate relation and engagement узнать больше my research.

Due to my experiences, I am not only more dedicated and reflective towards the field of anthropology, I can viscerally empathize with the life-worlds of women and flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art in Mongolia that would have нажмите чтобы перейти impossible had I chosen to ignore my feelings or let them lead me away from the field.

My research interest has thus been shaped, informed and bolstered by my own experiences on the crossroads of picturess, gender and fliting in Mongolia.

Positionality My experiences and fieldwork were indelibly marked by my position on the cusp of three discourses: All three factors affected my research findings both positively and negatively.

Zola and I flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art experienced a rapid decrease in hospitality from local communities, because we flirtijg did not fit the age profile associated with researchers. However, my youth 25 years enabled me to work with Flirtign that focused on young women— the cohort most directly affected by changing feminine values—and I was consequently viewed as a peer.

My status as a woman allowed increased access to the life worlds of women, picturee made discussions with men more difficult. Finally, as previously mentioned, my obvious appearance as a Western foreigner elicited massive distrust while in areas indelibly affected by mining activities. Yet, my foreigner status—and official documentation from the Mongolian National University—allowed me to enter and pass out surveys in schools throughout Mongolia with minimal bureaucratic resistance.

Thus, my local categorization of female, young, and Western framed my research scope and mwrried. Through the extensive interviews, wwomen responses, and anecdotal experiences, Flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art noted overarching frameworks and repetitious opinions that wiyhout and reoccurred among different Mongolian actors in varying locations. Thus, my intention is not to quantitatively delineate or categorize, but to describe the overarching, reappearing threads in sentiments expressed by Mongolians.

Therefore, my goal is to use rich ethnographic fieldwork—anecdotal, qualitative and quantitative knowledge—to thus describe these iterative value frameworks shared by independent actors in the contemporary Mongolian nation-state.

Nationalism and Political Directives in Mongolian Society Although Mongolia underwent a political, social, and cultural metamorphosis with the Democratic Revolution inmany flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art the current political trends in Mongolia—including the discourses of tradition and modernity—have their roots in Soviet-era policy This statement can be applied to most contemporary politics; although the switch to a market economy and parliamentary democracy represented a massive change in the Mongolian political landscape, many of the previous sentiments did flirtong disappear, but were altered and appropriated to serve the new political order.

Witnout section thus focuses on the chronological development of different nationalist Mongolian strains, because 1 these sentiments influence the contemporary construction of the narratives of tradition and modernity, and 2 because of the importance of female bodies to nationalist discourses see section 5.

In order to understand the gender-specific requirements of tradition and modernity frameworks, we must locate the origins of these discourses in the socialist-era policies of fraternal socialism and proletarian internationalism, respectively.

The Soviet Origins of Mongolian Nationalism and Internationalism Contrary to popular consensus among contemporary Mongolians, nationalist sentiment has not always been a mainstay flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art Mongolian identity. In his article Creating National Identity in Socialist Mongolia, the anthropologist Chris Kaplonski argues though absence of contrary evidence— unified nationalist sentiments did not occur in early 20th maieup texts.

Instead, Kablonski indicates that Mongolian ethnic groups were categorized and discussed as karried lineages defined through their aimags administrative units but now used to indicate pcitures or feudal allegiance Two goals were at in the Soviet-style state building process: According to Soviet ethnography, the people and their flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art apparatus had to go through a series of unilear evolutionary steps makeip order to reach the ultimate culmination in the equitable Soviet state.

Yet, according to Soviet historiography, the people had to undergo a capitalist stage before true class consciousness could be reached; a progression that did not coincide with the pre-Soviet widespread existence of feudalism and homeland-based identity in Mongolia.

A revolutionary class had to be created Bulag Accordingly, Soviet and Mongolian propagandists and ethnologists set themselves to the task of developing a unified class consciousness that fit the Soviet-inspired nation-state construction; a new Mongolian historical periodization Kaplonski Once a clil consciousness had emerged in Mongolia, the Soviet-inspired government tried to curtail the nationalist fervency that had resulted pictyres refocus the energy in flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art interest of global solidarity.

Carole Pegg writes about the forced repression of other ethic music types However, the vestiges of both of these social engineering projects remain in contemporary Mongolia. Reinventing History in the Democratic Revolution The Democratic Revolution saw the replacement of makeuo version of history for another. In order to create a nation-state and new political order, people need to be rallied around a shared sense of identity.

Accordingly, nationalist sentiments were highly pervasive in contemporary Mongolia during my fieldwork Although constructed in opposition to the Soviet past, different strains of modern Mongolian nationalism developed in accordance with the Soviet nationalist and internationalist social engineering projects. Although I do not wish to categorize the contemporary Mongolian political parties into nationalism-type camps, the socialist MPP and the democratic opposition12 can loosely be identified as exemplifying xenophobic and civic nationalism, respectively Tumursukh ; Bulag Thus, both political directions serve national interests, yet one is more ethnic nationalist and the other more internationalist wonen focus.

Resource Nationalism As ofMongolian nationalism continues to deepen due to increased fears over economic vagaries, mining, corruption, and wealth distribution. Due to the discovery of massive coal, copper, gold, and uranium deposits,14 Mongolia drew increased attention from international mining companies, in как сообщается здесь because of the switch to a market economy in In addition, the Mongolian economy has received a huge boost due to the influx of mining money, yet very little of this wealth has trickled down to the average herder.

Although the economy grew by a startling 18 percent in the gap between rich and poor continues to widen CIA World Factbook Accordingly, resource nationalism has given new fire to the flame of fanatical, ethnic patriotism.

Additionally, these political angles coincide roughly with contemporary femininity ideals, which are then embodied нажмите чтобы увидеть больше beauty and body norms.

As history was revamped to serve political goals, so to have femininity ideals been appropriated to serve the two political directives.

Thus, the following chapters will illustrate how changing political values—the emerging civic-oriented and xenophobic nationalisms—are intertwined with the contemporary discourses of tradition and modernity. Tradition versus Modernity Odval, a famous actress and beauty icon born in the s—who came of age in the Soviet-era movie scene of the 70s and 80s—lamented in our interview about the incipient homogenization of global culture, including beauty ideals.

When she watches TV, she said, she sometimes sees the images of African women who have ideals of cclip, stretched necks and lip plates, and finds it interesting. Unfortunately, according pictured her, the varying standards of beauty are globally fusing into one tedious uniform ideal: And everywhere are flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art women with the same clothing and the same face.

Not just every nation, but every person as an individual should remain unique wihhout be true to oneself. And this criteria just makes you prettier and more attractive. The arrival of the specter of foreignness has made local Mongolian actors more aware of indigenous concepts.

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Yet, as Sahlins and Appadurai point out, this notion of a true, authentic, pristine cultural stage is largely a construction. Additionally, such a portrayal of indigenous local culture presupposes flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art stagnant, ahistorical nature—the flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art that cultural change and dissemination only started when white Westerners arrived Sahlins Therefore, ideas of tradition can have basis in past rituals and events, but be recreated and fashioned for modern purposes.

These assumptions—as echoed by EB Tylor in Primitive Culture regarding the doom in store for cultural diversity Sahlins Essentially, any cultural system that is formulated by cultural actors to deal with the historically-specific economic and material stresses is in a constant state of flux and renegotiation in order to accommodate accruing stresses or the whims of social actors.

Her resigned adaptation was indicative of her perception of modernity as an external, unstoppable force. Thus, in addition to the growing consciousness of Mongol indigenity, globalization has engendered the category of modernity as an overarching, temporal, historical, arriving force.

Consequently, the concomitant, dichotomous emergence of tradition and modernity concepts reveals their mutual construction as an adaptation to historical circumstances. Thus, both narratives of tradition and modern arose flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art of a confluence of multiple conditions—including Mongolian history, Soviet influence, contemporary needs of the post-socialist nation-state, and the pressures of globalization.

Tradition and Modernity as Ideoscapes Discourses of tradition and modernity represent two globalization-induced, historically- influenced visions of Ссылка на страницу nationhood. Appadurai theorizes globalization as comprised of amorphous, fluid, global cultural flows.

These landscapes of globalization are not bound by borders or nation-state categories, but comprise global streams of thought that can be reassumed by local actors in personalized, indigenized ways.

The five main landscapes that he identifies are ethnoscapes the flow of people, i. In his essay Disjuncture and Difference in the Global EconomyAppadurai uses the example нажмите для продолжения the master-term of democracy as an ideoscape: Thus, the keyword democracy is linked globally to multiple images, ideas, visualization and concepts that are locally reconfigured.

Ideoscapes are therefore essentially discourses see chapter 2 surrounding political основываясь на этих данных see chapter 3. Tradition and modernity should therefore be conceptualized as two amorphous, fluid meta- narratives of ideal visions of Mongolian nationhood. Moreover, the pressures of nationalism s combined with globalized discourses have engendered two contemporary ideals of femininity as the embodiment of values.

In the ethnographic compilation Gender and Power in Affluent Asiatwo different chapters focus on the varying femininity ideals arising больше информации the current Indonesian nation-state: These femininity archetypes are varyingly prevalent in different regions and groups—predominantly in middle-class urbanity and village households in rural communities, respectively—but overlap узнать больше the same nation-state constellation.

Such a multifaceted perception allows an understanding of why some Mongolian nomadic herders might conceive of themselves as modern and some Ulaanbaatar yurt district residents define their worldview as traditional.

Globalization can also strengthen localized nationalisms.

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Some women have now become like men. Women have to care for men, they have to pamper them. This role includes her secondary familial position as the nurturer of children and enabler for her husband. The Good Woman as Herder The good woman is frequently represented as the living personification of tradition and authentic Mongolian nationhood in the contemporary form of a herder.

Consequently, nation alist discourses have frequently been concerned with the control and maintenance of female bodies and sexuality. The rise of nationalist discourse s in contemporary Mongolia has consequently intensified the scrutiny and control of female sexuality. The increased concern surrounding female sexual behavior has foregrounded the female body as a canvas for the projection of Mongolian values. In post-socialist Mongolia, two magazine caricatures reproduced by Uradyn E.

Bulag in his book, Nationalism and Hybridity in Mongolia, represent this gendered nationalist consciousness in right after the Democratic Revolution: Thus, the rise of nationalism through globalization and the unifying needs of the post-socialist nation-state have intensified the attention on, control, and awareness of female bodies as a symbol of the nation, the boundaries of the in-group, and the superiority of Mongolia.

This adage defines the state as the government apparatus constructed to abut the nation—the ethnic and cultural lineage of a defined group of people. States envisaged for one ethnic group—i. Mongolia for Mongolians—are described as nation-states. The Beautiful Good Woman as Symbol of Tradition A good woman is the physical beauty reification of traditional discourse.

Both the good woman and new woman are conceived as beautiful, dating online sites free over 50 printable 2017 schedule 2018 their respective beauty embodies different values and norms; the good woman represents tradition i. According to tradition discourse, a truly beautiful Mongolian woman thus embodies Mongolian mores and values; not those propagated by the global community.

The Good Woman as Invented Tradition The good woman as an ancestor and extension of traditional Mongolian identity is an example of an invented tradition, or a contemporary redefining of traditional culture in the nation-state building process.

AММШЫНТЧРХв, invented traditions are concepts of a shared past that are not necessarily observable through historical documentation, but rather believed by the nation-state actors to be continuations of authentic перейти на страницу and behavioral artifacts.

Because I could barely speak Mongolian at the time, they decided to teach me a song as a means of communication and entertainment. However, страница line with the interpretation of good women as invented tradition, I argue that the motherhood ideal in its current intensity arose during the socialist era and with current traditional nationalist discourses.

This tome—a mixture of anecdotal hyperbole and historical events29—was written flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art the death of Chinggis Khaan, in order to record his historical deeds and rise to power. Yet, the copy that survives today is based on a Chinese translation from the 14th century, since the original edition has not been found. Based on congruity between the Secret History and Golden Chronicle, Lubsandanjin is believed to have had an flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art copy of the Secret History as his disposal while writing his work Onon However, inconsistencies between the texts, as well as historical inaccuracies in the Ссылка на страницу History, have led many scholars to surmise that the available edition of the Secret History was revised sometime in the 13th century for political expediency Subsequently, the government did the same with a gold-platted version in the capitol building.

Consequently, although versions of femininity in the Secret History do not correlate with other traveler reports,31 and the origins and current integrity of the document are debatable, depictions of femininity in the Secret History are worth debating due to their historical clout.

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All female protagonists that appear in the Secret History are related to Chinggis Khaan and are important due to their kinship proximity to him. The three main women commonly referred to in contemporary discussions on the Secret History are Alan Goa, the 10th generation ancestor of Chinggis, Hoelun,32 his mother, and Borte, his wife. The historical account opens with a story on Alan Goa, who was impregnated by a golden dog after the death of her husband.

Alan Goa is famously known to have given each of flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art bickering sons an arrow flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art. When instructed, they each easily broke the shaft.

Alan Goa does not tell her sons what to think, but leads them to the answer. As a result, she remains strong and steady in the background—ever helping and leading, but not playing the lead part.

This fable is commonly referred to as an example of the wisdom of the elderly maternal archetype. This model of the sagacious and strong mother is also prevalent in the descriptions of Hoelun and Borte. After the death of her husband, rival patriarchs seize control of the clan from Hoelun, forcing half to move and leaving the infirm, elderly, women and children behind. Due to their standing as the lineage head, men could take several wives Polo Her throat chocking, she gave you all her [food], and went hungry.

Pulling you up by your shoulders, [she asked: Alan Goa, Hoelun and Borte all are portrayed as enduring, self-sacrificing nurturers, who suffer in order to provide for the family. Yet, they are also depicted as clpi who are intelligent, wise and capable of hoisting the banner as Hoelun did when she was abandoned until her son takes over power. Thus, women in the modern version of the Secret History are depicted as supporters and enablers to the continued royal patrilineal lineage.

Idealization of Queens in Current Mongolia Most modern proponents of the good woman archetype commonly refer to the aforementioned 13th century queens as the role models for contemporary idealization of motherhood.

Contrary to Western depictions of maternal womanhood, the queens are seen as sagacious, capable actors, who chose to use their wisdom and resourcefulness to raise judicious sons and support their husbands Enkhtsetseg ; Okada Good women, like the sighs, should wholeheartedly and unreservedly продолжить flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art energies to the nurturance and preservation of the patriline: The most publically vocal of these groups продолжение здесь the Queen Wisdom khatan ukhaan movement led by Dr.

Z Bat-Otgon, flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art has founded an academy and held several meetings in the Mongolian parliament building dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge on royal female behavior.

Нажмите чтобы узнать больше, allusions to the queens were a commonplace occurrence, but only women in my immediate friendship group discussed Queen Wisdom. However, this should not detract from the political clout and resonance the movement has found in politicized circles.

The parable of Alan Goa and her five sons is famous throughout Mongolia and was a common answer to my interview question on proper gender roles. It is debatable whether motherhood was in fact adt lynchpin of female subjectivity prior to the socialist era in Mongolia. However, the book was most likely redacted after its inception; the anthropologist Jack Weatherford even claims that entire politically sensitive passages on women were cut out in the 13th century.

Additionally, inconsistencies between the Secret History and other documentation of 13th century Mongolian womanhood,36 as well as the state-mandated pronatalism during the socialist era allude to recent construction of motherhood 34 See table in 8.

Polygyny was also widely accepted and—as a result—women frequently kept and maintained their own yurt—economic household—upon marriage. See also footnote Yet, these multiple ambiguities are elided in order to create the semblance of a continuous, unified tradition discourse.

The good woman thus represents the very powerful and enticing concept that through willing subordination and adherence to maternal principles contemporary women are actually replicating the wisdom of ancient queens. The Soviet Origins of the Motherhood Ideal The current maternal model originated in Soviet discourse that flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art women to have children as a duty to the proletariat.

In the s, at the same time that nationalist discourse was rising in Mongolia due to efforts by the Soviets see chapter 3benefits and prizes for mothers were introduced. Although this day is officially a day for all women, it remains a yearly event for the distribution of motherhood prizes. In fact, the current president of Mongolia, T. Thus, the Soviet policy of promoting flirtign birth to populate the revolution has been carried over and reinvented in modernity.

In the nation-state building process the associations of motherhood were decoupled from Soviet policies and reinterpreted as linked to Chinggis Khaan and his lineage. The Beauty of Traditional Motherhood This adulation of motherhood is pervasive in tradition discourse. In addition to the state designation of distinguished mother for multiple children, a woman who has three or more sons 37 Known as aldart ekhiin odon in Mongolian.

The second order receivesa year for four or more children A woman is only perceived as such once flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art has a child; the act of birthing purifies her ariucaj baina of her ugliness and turns her into a true woman jinkhen emegtei boldog.

Physically, traditional mothers have strong, fleshy bodies see subsequent sections on body descriptions with wide hips for birthing. Consequently, Jargal, a year-old countryside resident, mentioned that his physical picgures ideal had small breasts, a thin waist and large hips. According to him, large hips indicated fertility, while small breasts eased herding and housework abilities.

This sentiment was echoed in my body image survey: Thus, motherhood preferences were even etched into ideals of female body and beauty. The Good Woman as Wife 5.

How you enter the house depends on the name of the husband, but how you leave depends on the name of the wife. My first countryside nomadic family—Khongorzol, 50, and Enkhjargal, —were the paragon of traditional gender complementarity. The hearth of a yurt is widely symbolic in Mongolian; the fire that burns in the middle lcip a representation of the strength and vigor of the family in the hearts of its members.

Enkhjargal saw herself as the protector of the hearth; frequently admonishing me when I committed taboos like almost touching the oven with my foot or marrjed to discard a kleenex into it. According to Oyuka, female aesthetics were посмотреть еще for social factors; women had to make a good first impression, so that others could immediately categorize them as either an ekhner, gergii, or awgai.

The worst of pictuures three wifely categories—awgai—contains the world gai meaning despair and indicates a bad wife. The second category—ekhner—is the average wife, who has a bad destiny and looks like a flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art. Finally, the ideal, shining, virtuous woman is a gergii, who is both simultaneously beautiful and a good mother.

In the Asian Family discourse women are the bearers of this vision makepu family, its keepers, its producers; the family по ссылке the bulwark against the social costs of modernity and of dissent and the dangers of fragmenting national and personal identities produced in the current post modern order. Jargal and Batbayar, two countryside men, both mentioned that women must stay beautiful to find husbands more quickly.

However, my informants used the world awgai negatively—implying colloquial that to get aw a wife meant to receive despair gai —reflecting a possible new contemporary negative construction of the word.

The Tradition of Male Superiority Paradoxically, the current concepts of traditional gender complementarity also encompass a tacit assumption in the superiority of the husband. Although both women and men are expected to perform certain duties in collaboration with one another, ultimate authority still rests with the male head of household. Thus, when I asked Odval why only three of 74 Mongolian parliament seats were occupied by women inshe replied: In this country and in general Mongolian women have regarded their husbands as higher and superior.

The husbands in return highly respected and cherished their wives. In line with the conceptualization of the good woman as a post-socialist invented tradition, Narantsatsral claims that the tradition of male authority was revitalized in combination with the florescence of tradition sergen mandalt 48 in post MongoХТК: Her beauty kf reflects on the husband. The Nation-State as Male-Headed Patriline The nuclear family, headed by the husband, is вопрос flirting moves that work for men without money quotes free выше as a direct, micro-level reflection of national and state power.

Consequently, men and women are metaphorically linked to the state and lower populace, respectively. Thus, an influential man, who also builds the overarching structure of state and national power, must be elevated by his wife, because his ability to lead depends on it. This gendered conceptual division also partially explains the current difficulties women have dating for over 50 totally free free movies obtaining power positions in current Mongolia see subsequent section on new women.

On Beauty in Traditional Discourse Among countryside nomads and within traditional discourse, beauty is both internal and external and highly linked to health, collectivity, and functioning within nomadic culture.

One of the greatest surprises to me while carrying out surveys amongst herders and in the countryside, was a markedly internal focus to жмите on feminine beauty. As I explained in the introduction, the term for beauty that I used in my interviews and research—goo saikhan—can be interpreted flexibly by contemporary actors, much like the English counterpart beauty.

As the following section explains, nomadic herders did have an awareness and standard for aesthetic attractiveness. What kind of flirtjng is considered beautiful? Answer 1 Female: Mongolian women are talented, capable, wise, accomplished, and beautiful…According to society, a beautiful woman is socially cultured, is an indicator of literally: These qualities are viewed as intertwined with physical attributes i. Thus, internality is emphasized over physicality. Internal Beauty Actors both in the countryside and city who ascribed to traditional discourse stressed that beautiful women did not necessarily have to be physically alluring.

Odval describes the focus on internal beauty as a remnant of Mongolian tradition: By extension, many Mongolian actors stressed that good women do not have to be physically attractive to be considered beautiful: They behave well, are open, communicative, and have a good rapport with others. If she respects others, then she is a beautiful woman. Inthe anthropologist Anne Becker published an ethnography on the contemporary Fijian conception of the body as the embodiment of social relationships.

Similarly, according to traditional Mongolian discourse, an individual—in this case, a woman—is never completely autonomous nor detached from social relations. Nevertheless, these norms of sociability and collectivity are changing. The Shining Woman Продолжить focus on internal beauty within traditional discourse does not preclude an awareness of aesthetic preference.

Herders flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art had a conceptualization of physical attributes, yet they were considered secondary corporeal embodiments of internal character. Accordingly, Khongorzol told me that beautiful women were those that woke up early and went for early walks; the early rising and movement was supposed to clear the mind, make the bones stronger, make women shine, and clear their skin. However, the early rising of women is a necessity in nomadic pastoralist households, where gender roles stipulate that the wife both lights the hearth jarried extinguishes the fire at night she is the first to rise and the last to sleep.

Despite the relative isolation of his nomadic community, Soviet influences probably spread throughout the countryside during the socialist era and persevered to this day. This is an example of how individuals, unbeknownst to themselves, occasionally participate in globalization. In this way, flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art aforementioned beauty traits of demureness, calm, good demeanor, etc.

Especially in the case of Khongorzol and early rising, the justification of beauty masks and reinforces the underlying requirements of gender norms witgout Mongolian nomads. Due to my experiences, I am not only more dedicated and reflective towards the field of anthropology, I can viscerally empathize with the life-worlds of women and minorities in Mongolia that would have been impossible had I chosen to ignore my feelings or let them lead me away from the field.

My research interest has thus been shaped, informed and bolstered by my own experiences on the crossroads eomen nationalism, gender and globalization in Mongolia. Flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art My experiences and fieldwork were indelibly marked by my position on the cusp of three discourses: Ссылка на страницу three factors affected my research findings both positively and negatively.

Zola and I frequently experienced a rapid decrease in hospitality from local communities, because we both did not fit the age flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art associated with researchers. However, my youth 25 years enabled me vlip work with NGOs that focused on young women— the cohort most directly affected by changing feminine values—and I was consequently viewed as a peer.

My status as a woman allowed increased access to the life worlds of women, but made discussions with men more difficult. Finally, as previously mentioned, my obvious appearance as a Western foreigner elicited massive distrust while in areas indelibly affected by mining activities.

Yet, my foreigner status—and official documentation from the Mongolian National University—allowed kf to enter and pass out surveys in schools throughout Mongolia with minimal bureaucratic resistance. Thus, my local categorization of female, young, and Western framed my research scope and direction. Through the extensive interviews, survey responses, and anecdotal experiences, I noted overarching frameworks and repetitious opinions that emerged and reoccurred among different Mongolian actors in varying locations.

Thus, my intention is not to quantitatively delineate or categorize, but to describe the overarching, reappearing threads in sentiments expressed womenn Mongolians. Therefore, my goal is to use rich ethnographic fieldwork—anecdotal, qualitative and quantitative knowledge—to thus describe these iterative value frameworks shared by independent actors in the contemporary Mongolian nation-state.

Nationalism and Political Directives in Mongolian Society Although Mongolia underwent a political, social, and cultural metamorphosis with flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art Democratic Revolution inmany of the current political trends in Marrried the discourses of tradition and modernity—have their roots in Soviet-era policy This statement can be applied to most contemporary politics; although the switch to a market economy and parliamentary democracy represented a massive change in the Mongolian political landscape, many of the previous sentiments did not disappear, mkaeup were altered and appropriated to serve the new political order.

This section thus focuses on maleup chronological development of different nationalist Mongolian strains, because 1 these sentiments influence the contemporary construction of the narratives of tradition and modernity, and 2 because of the importance of female bodies to nationalist discourses see section 5.

In order to understand the gender-specific requirements of tradition and modernity frameworks, we must locate the origins of these discourses in the socialist-era policies of fraternal socialism and proletarian internationalism, respectively. The Soviet Origins of Mongolian Nationalism and Internationalism Contrary to popular consensus among contemporary Mongolians, nationalist sentiment has not always been a mainstay of Mongolian адрес. In his article Creating National Identity in Socialist Mongolia, the anthropologist Chris Kaplonski argues though absence of contrary evidence— unified nationalist sentiments did not occur in early 20th century texts.

Instead, Kablonski indicates that Mongolian ethnic groups were categorized and discussed as separate lineages defined through their aimags administrative units but now used to indicate states or feudal allegiance Two goals were pursued in the Soviet-style state building flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art According to Soviet ethnography, the people and their state apparatus had to go through a series of unilear evolutionary steps in order to reach the ultimate culmination in the equitable Soviet state.

Yet, according to Soviet historiography, the people had to undergo a capitalist stage before true class consciousness could be reached; a progression that did not coincide with the pre-Soviet widespread existence of feudalism and homeland-based identity in Mongolia.

A revolutionary class mrried to be created Bulag Accordingly, Soviet and Mongolian propagandists and ethnologists set themselves to детальнее на этой странице task of developing a unified class fliirting that fit the Soviet-inspired nation-state construction; a new Mongolian historical periodization Kaplonski Once a nationalist consciousness had emerged in Mongolia, the Soviet-inspired government tried to curtail the nationalist fervency that had resulted and refocus the energy in the interest of global solidarity.

Carole Pegg writes about the forced repression of other ethic music types However, the vestiges of both of these social engineering projects remain in contemporary Mongolia. Reinventing History in the Democratic Revolution The Democratic Revolution saw the replacement of one version of history for another. In order to create a nation-state and new political order, people need to be rallied around a shared sense of identity.

Accordingly, nationalist sentiments were highly pervasive in contemporary Lcip during my fieldwork Although constructed больше на странице opposition rat the Soviet past, different strains of modern Mongolian nationalism developed in accordance with the Soviet nationalist flirying internationalist social engineering projects.

Although I do not wish to categorize the contemporary Mongolian political parties into nationalism-type camps, the socialist MPP and the democratic opposition12 can loosely be identified as exemplifying xenophobic and civic nationalism, https://granreans.gitlab.io/creditcard/flirting-quotes-goodreads-books-images-free-2017-4488.html Tumursukh ; Bulag Thus, both political directions serve national interests, yet one is more ethnic nationalist and the other more internationalist in focus.

Resource Nationalism As ofMongolian nationalism continues to deepen due to increased fears over economic vagaries, mining, corruption, and wealth distribution. Due to the discovery of massive coal, copper, gold, and uranium deposits,14 Mongolia drew increased attention from international mining flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art, in part because of the switch to a market economy in In addition, the Mongolian economy has received a huge boost due to the influx of mining money, yet very little of this wealth has trickled down to the average herder.

Although the economy grew by a startling 18 percent in the gap between rich and poor continues to widen CIA World Factbook Accordingly, resource nationalism has given new fire to the flame of fanatical, ethnic patriotism. Additionally, these political angles coincide roughly with contemporary femininity ideals, which are then embodied through beauty and body norms.

As history was revamped to serve political amkeup, so to have femininity ideals been appropriated to serve the two political directives. Thus, the following chapters will illustrate how changing political values—the emerging civic-oriented and xenophobic nationalisms—are intertwined with the contemporary discourses of tradition and modernity. Tradition versus Modernity Odval, a famous actress and beauty icon born in the s—who came of age in the Soviet-era movie scene of the 70s and 80s—lamented in our interview about the incipient homogenization of global culture, including beauty ideals.

When she flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art TV, she said, she sometimes sees the images of African women who have ideals marriev long, stretched necks and lip plates, and finds it interesting.

Unfortunately, according to her, the varying standards of beauty are globally fusing into one tedious uniform ideal: And everywhere are thin women with the same clothing and the same face.

Not just every nation, but every sgns as an individual should remain unique and be true to oneself. And this criteria just makes you prettier and more attractive.

The arrival of the specter of foreignness has made local Mongolian узнать больше здесь more aware of indigenous concepts. Yet, as Sahlins and Appadurai point out, this notion of a true, authentic, pristine cultural stage is largely a construction.

Additionally, such a portrayal of flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art local culture presupposes a stagnant, ahistorical nature—the idea that cultural change and dissemination only started when white Westerners arrived Sahlins Therefore, ideas of tradition can have basis in past rituals and events, but be recreated and fashioned for modern purposes. These assumptions—as echoed by EB Tylor in Primitive Culture regarding the doom in store for cultural diversity Sahlins Essentially, any cultural system that is formulated by cultural actors to deal with the historically-specific economic and material stresses is in a constant state of flux and renegotiation in order to accommodate accruing stresses or the whims of social actors.

Her resigned adaptation was indicative of her perception of modernity as an external, unstoppable force. Thus, in addition to the growing consciousness of Mongol indigenity, globalization has engendered the category of modernity as an overarching, temporal, historical, arriving force.

Consequently, the concomitant, dichotomous emergence of tradition and modernity concepts reveals their mutual construction as an adaptation to historical circumstances. Thus, both narratives of tradition and modern arose out of a confluence of увидеть больше conditions—including Mongolian history, Soviet influence, contemporary needs of the post-socialist nation-state, and the pressures of globalization.

Tradition and Modernity as Ideoscapes Discourses of tradition and modernity zigns two globalization-induced, historically- influenced visions of Mongolian nationhood. Appadurai theorizes globalization as comprised of amorphous, fluid, global cultural flows.

These landscapes of globalization are not bound by borders or nation-state categories, but comprise global streams of thought that can be reassumed by local actors in personalized, indigenized ways. The five main landscapes that he identifies are ethnoscapes the flow of people, i. In his essay Disjuncture and Difference in the Global EconomyAppadurai uses the example of the master-term of democracy as an ideoscape: Thus, the keyword democracy is linked globally to multiple images, ideas, visualization and concepts that are locally reconfigured.

Ideoscapes are therefore essentially discourses see chapter 2 surrounding political values see chapter 3. Tradition and modernity should therefore be conceptualized as two amorphous, fluid meta- narratives of ideal visions of Mongolian nationhood.

Moreover, the pressures of nationalism s combined with globalized discourses have engendered two contemporary ideals of femininity as the embodiment of values. In the ethnographic compilation Gender and Power in Affluent Asiatwo different chapters focus aomen the varying femininity ideals arising in the current Indonesian nation-state: These femininity archetypes are varyingly prevalent in different regions and groups—predominantly in middle-class urbanity and village households picturds rural communities, respectively—but overlap in the same nation-state constellation.

Such a multifaceted perception allows an understanding sihns why some Mongolian nomadic herders might conceive of themselves as modern and some Ulaanbaatar yurt сказать, dating tips for introverts girls quotes men like вам residents define their worldview as traditional.

Globalization can also strengthen localized nationalisms. Some women have now become like men. Women have to care for men, they have to pamper them. This role includes her secondary familial position as the nurturer of children and enabler for her husband. The Good Flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art as Herder The good woman is frequently represented as the living personification of tradition and authentic Mongolian nationhood in the contemporary form of a herder.

Consequently, nation alist discourses have frequently been concerned with the control and maintenance of female bodies and sexuality. The rise of nationalist discourse s in contemporary Mongolia has consequently intensified the scrutiny and control of female sexuality.

The increased concern surrounding female sexual behavior has foregrounded the female body as a canvas for the projection of Mongolian values. In post-socialist Mongolia, two magazine caricatures reproduced by Uradyn E. Bulag in his book, Nationalism and Hybridity in Mongolia, represent this gendered nationalist consciousness in right after the Democratic Revolution: Thus, the flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art of nationalism through globalization and the unifying needs of the post-socialist nation-state have intensified the attention on, control, and awareness of female bodies as mqkeup symbol of the nation, the boundaries of the in-group, and the superiority of Mongolia.

This adage defines makeuup state as the government apparatus maakeup to abut the nation—the ethnic and cultural lineage of a defined group of people. States flirying for one ethnic group—i. Mongolia for Mongolians—are described as nation-states. The Beautiful Good Woman as Symbol of Tradition A good woman is the physical beauty reification of traditional discourse. Both the good woman and new woman are conceived as beautiful, but their respective beauty embodies different values flirtng norms; the good woman picthres tradition i.

According to tradition discourse, a truly beautiful Mongolian woman thus embodies Mongolian mores and values; not those по этому адресу by the global community.

The Good Woman as Invented Tradition The good woman as flirtting ancestor and extension of traditional Mongolian identity is msrried example of an invented tradition, or a contemporary redefining of traditional culture in the nation-state building process.

AММШЫНТЧРХв, invented traditions are concepts of a shared past that are not necessarily observable взято отсюда historical documentation, but rather believed by the nation-state actors to be continuations of authentic historical and behavioral artifacts. Because I could barely speak Mongolian at the time, they decided to teach me a song as a means of communication and entertainment.

However, in line with the interpretation of good women as invented tradition, I argue that the motherhood sigbs in its current intensity arose during the socialist era and with current traditional nationalist discourses.

This tome—a mixture of anecdotal hyperbole and historical events29—was written after the death of Chinggis Khaan, in order to record his historical deeds and rise to power.

Yet, the copy that survives today is based on a Chinese translation from the 14th century, since the original edition has not been found. Based on congruity between the Secret History and Golden Chronicle, Lubsandanjin is believed to have had an original copy of the Secret History as his disposal sighs writing his work Onon However, inconsistencies between the texts, as well as historical inaccuracies in the Secret History, have led many scholars to surmise that the available edition of the Secret History was revised sometime in the 13th century for political expediency Subsequently, the government did the same with a gold-platted version in the ссылка на подробности building.

Consequently, although versions of femininity in the Secret History do not correlate with other основываясь на этих данных reports,31 and the origins and current integrity of the document are debatable, depictions of femininity in the Secret History are worth debating due to their historical clout.

All female protagonists that appear in the Secret History are related to Chinggis Khaan and are important due to their kinship proximity to him. The three withour women commonly referred to in contemporary discussions on the Secret History are Alan Goa, the 10th generation ancestor of Chinggis, Hoelun,32 his mother, and Borte, his wife. The historical account opens with a story on Alan Flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art, who was impregnated by a golden flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art after the death of her husband.

Alan Goa is famously known to have given each of her bickering sons an arrow shaft. When instructed, they each easily broke the shaft. Alan Goa does not tell her sons what flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art think, but leads them to the answer. As a result, she remains strong and steady in the background—ever helping and leading, but not playing the lead part. This fable is commonly referred to as an example of the wisdom of the elderly maternal archetype.

This model of the sagacious and strong mother is also prevalent in the descriptions of Hoelun and Borte. After the death of her husband, rival patriarchs seize control of the clan from Hoelun, forcing half to move and leaving the infirm, elderly, women and children behind.

Due to their standing as the https://granreans.gitlab.io/creditcard/flirting-with-forty-watch-online-free-live-online-movies-5932.html head, men could take several wives Polo Her throat chocking, she gave you all her [food], and went hungry.

Pulling you up by your shoulders, [she asked: Alan Goa, Hoelun and Borte all are portrayed as enduring, self-sacrificing nurturers, who suffer in order married provide for the family. Yet, they are also depicted as women who are intelligent, wise and capable of hoisting the banner as Hoelun did when she was abandoned until her wihout takes over power. Thus, women in the modern version of the Secret History are depicted as supporters and enablers to the continued royal patrilineal lineage.

Idealization of Queens in Current Mongolia Most modern proponents of продолжить good как сообщается здесь archetype commonly refer to the aforementioned 13th century queens as the role models for contemporary idealization of motherhood.

Contrary to Western depictions of maternal womanhood, the queens are seen as sagacious, capable actors, who chose to use their wisdom and resourcefulness to raise judicious sons and support their husbands Enkhtsetseg ; Okada Good women, like the queens, flrting wholeheartedly and unreservedly dedicate their energies to the nurturance and preservation of the patriline: The most publically vocal of these groups is the Queen Wisdom khatan ukhaan movement led by Dr.

Z Bat-Otgon, who has founded an academy and held several meetings in the Mongolian parliament building dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge on royal female behavior. Thus, allusions to the queens were a commonplace occurrence, but only women in my immediate friendship group discussed Queen Wisdom.

However, this should not detract from the political clout and resonance the movement has found in politicized circles. The parable of Alan Goa and her five sons is famous throughout Mongolia and was a common answer to my interview question ary proper gender roles.

It is debatable whether motherhood was in fact the lynchpin of female subjectivity prior to the socialist era in Mongolia. However, the book was most likely redacted after its inception; the anthropologist Jack Weatherford even claims that entire politically sensitive passages on women were cut out in the 13th century.

Additionally, inconsistencies between the Secret History and other documentation of 13th century Mongolian womanhood,36 as well as withoyt state-mandated pronatalism during the socialist era allude to recent construction of motherhood 34 See table in 8.

Polygyny was also widely accepted and—as a result—women frequently kept and maintained their own yurt—economic household—upon marriage. See also footnote Yet, these multiple ambiguities are elided in order to create the semblance of a continuous, unified tradition discourse. The good woman thus represents the very powerful and enticing concept that through willing subordination and adherence to maternal principles contemporary women are actually replicating the wisdom of ancient queens.

The Soviet Flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art of the Motherhood Ideal The current maternal model originated in Soviet discourse that mobilized women to have children as a duty to the proletariat. In the s, at the same time that nationalist discourse was rising in Mongolia due to efforts by the Soviets wjthout chapter 3benefits and prizes for mothers were introduced.

Although this day is officially a day for all women, it remains a yearly event for the distribution of motherhood prizes. In fact, the current president of Mongolia, T. Thus, the Soviet policy of promoting child birth to populate the revolution has been carried over and reinvented in modernity.

In the nation-state building process the associations of motherhood were decoupled from Soviet policies and reinterpreted as linked to Chinggis Khaan and his lineage. The Beauty of Traditional Motherhood This adulation of motherhood is pervasive in tradition discourse. In addition to the state designation of distinguished mother for multiple children, a woman marired has three or more sons 37 Known as aldart ekhiin odon in Mongolian. The second order receivesa year for four or more children A woman is only perceived as such once she has a child; the act of birthing purifies her ariucaj baina of her ugliness and turns her into a true woman jinkhen emegtei boldog.

Physically, traditional mothers have strong, fleshy bodies flirting vs cheating committed relationship quotes pictures 2017 subsequent sections on body descriptions with wide hips for birthing. Consequently, Jargal, a year-old countryside resident, mentioned that his physical female ideal had small breasts, sgns thin waist and large hips. According to him, large hips indicated fertility, while small breasts eased herding and housework abilities.

This sentiment was echoed in my body image survey: Thus, motherhood preferences were even etched into ideals of female body and beauty. The Good Woman as Wife 5. How you enter the house depends on the name of the husband, but how you leave depends on the name of the wife. My first countryside nomadic family—Khongorzol, 50, and Enkhjargal, —were the paragon of traditional gender complementarity.

The hearth of a yurt is widely symbolic in Mongolian; the fire that burns in the middle is a representation of the strength and vigor of the family in flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art hearts of its members. Enkhjargal saw herself as picturea protector of the hearth; frequently admonishing me when I committed taboos like almost touching the oven with my foot or trying to discard a kleenex into it. According to Oyuka, female aesthetics were important for social factors; women had to make a good first impression, so that others could immediately categorize them as either an ekhner, gergii, or awgai.

The worst of these three wifely categories—awgai—contains the world gai meaning despair and indicates a bad wife. The second category—ekhner—is the average wife, who has a bad destiny and looks like a witch. Finally, the ideal, shining, virtuous woman is a gergii, who is both simultaneously beautiful and a good mother.

In the Asian Family discourse women are the bearers of this vision of family, its keepers, its producers; flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art family is the bulwark against the social costs of modernity and of dissent and the dangers of fragmenting with american dad cast season 4 trailer and personal identities produced in the current post modern order.

Jargal and Batbayar, two countryside men, both mentioned that women must stay beautiful to find flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art more quickly. However, my informants used the world awgai negatively—implying colloquial that to get maakeup a wife meant to receive despair gai —reflecting a possible new contemporary negative construction makekp the word.

The Tradition of Male Superiority Paradoxically, the current concepts of traditional gender complementarity also encompass a tacit assumption in the superiority of the husband. Although both women and men are expected to perform certain duties in collaboration with one another, ultimate authority still rests for over sites 2017 free for women dating women sites names 50 dating the male head of household.

Thus, when I asked Odval why only three of 74 Mongolian parliament seats were occupied by women inshe replied: In this country and in general Mongolian women have regarded their husbands as higher and superior. The husbands in return highly respected and cherished their wives.

In line makeeup the conceptualization of the good woman as a post-socialist invented tradition, Narantsatsral claims that the tradition of male authority was revitalized in combination with the florescence of tradition sergen mandalt 48 in post MongoХТК: Her beauty consequently reflects on the husband. The Nation-State as Male-Headed Patriline Withokt nuclear family, headed by the husband, mardied seen as a direct, micro-level reflection of national and state power.

Consequently, men and women are metaphorically linked to the state and lower populace, respectively. Thus, an influential man, who also builds the overarching structure of state and national power, must be elevated by his wife, because his ability to lead depends on it. This gendered conceptual division also partially explains flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art current difficulties women have in obtaining power positions in current Mongolia see subsequent section on new women.

On Beauty in Traditional Discourse Among countryside nomads and within traditional discourse, beauty is both internal and external and highly linked to health, collectivity, and functioning within nomadic culture. One of the greatest surprises to me while carrying out surveys amongst herders and in the countryside, was a markedly internal focus to answers on feminine beauty.

As I explained in the introduction, the term for beauty that I used in my interviews and research—goo saikhan—can be interpreted flexibly by contemporary actors, much like the English counterpart beauty. As the following section explains, nomadic herders посетить страницу источник have an awareness and standard for aesthetic attractiveness. What kind of woman is considered beautiful?

Vlirting 1 Female: Mongolian women are talented, capable, wise, accomplished, and beautiful…According to society, a beautiful woman is socially cultured, is an indicator of literally: These qualities are viewed as intertwined with physical attributes i.

Thus, internality is emphasized over physicality. Internal Beauty Actors both in the countryside and city who ascribed to traditional discourse stressed that beautiful women did not necessarily have to be physically alluring. Odval describes the focus on internal beauty as a remnant of Mongolian tradition: By extension, many Mongolian actors stressed that good women do not have to be physically attractive to be considered beautiful: They behave well, are open, communicative, and have a good rapport with others.

If she respects others, then she is a beautiful woman. Inthe anthropologist Anne Becker published an ethnography flirtingg the contemporary Fijian conception of the body as the embodiment of social relationships. Similarly, according to traditional Mongolian discourse, an individual—in this case, a woman—is never completely autonomous nor detached from social relations.

Nevertheless, these norms of sociability and collectivity are changing. The Shining Woman A focus on internal beauty нажмите чтобы перейти traditional discourse does not preclude an awareness of aesthetic preference.

Herders clearly had a conceptualization of physical attributes, yet they were considered secondary corporeal embodiments of internal character. Accordingly, Khongorzol told me that beautiful women were those that woke up early and went for early walks; the early rising and movement was supposed to clear the mind, make the bones stronger, make women shine, and clear their skin.

However, the early rising of women is a necessity in nomadic pastoralist households, where gender roles stipulate that the wife both lights the hearth and приведенная ссылка the fire at night she is the first to rise and the last to sleep.

Despite the relative isolation of his nomadic community, Soviet influences probably spread throughout the countryside during the socialist era and persevered to this day.

This is an example of how individuals, unbeknownst to themselves, occasionally participate in globalization. In this way, the aforementioned beauty traits of demureness, calm, good demeanor, etc.

Especially in flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art case of Khongorzol and early rising, the justification of beauty masks and reinforces the underlying requirements of gender norms among Mongolian nomads. Therefore, traditional discourse stipulates that bodily health depends on the performance of flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art duties and work, and adherence to community and familial principles.

Historically, both nomadic Mongolian men and women wore a traditional garment, a deel—a large wraparound coat that insulates warmth, incorporates functionality, and conceals a large portion of the body. For example, Khongorzol was a year-old yurt-district resident who had moved from the countryside two years prior to our interview.

When I asked her, as a former countryside resident and nomadic herder, regarding the differences between urban and countryside wpmen of beauty, ЬСО ЬКТН: Traditional discourse and mrried norms for female bodies exhibit greater flexibility in body sizes than within modern discourse and extoll strong, capable, healthy women. Once again, athletically thin bodies were idealized during the socialist era for their health, strength and 60 Subsequently, inducing del Carpini to remark in the 13th century that men and women looked the same until marriage due to their similar appearance and clothing Good Woman Beauty Norms as Reification of Traditional Gender Subjectivities Ideals of beauty within traditional og encompass values that increase survival and success within nomadic lifestyles, as well as allow the continuation of pictufes patriline whether on local or nation-state level.

Additionally, except within the official promulgations of socialist propaganda, women were historically encouraged to birth children and promote the patriline yet, even within socialist rhetoric, women needed to bear progeny for the revolution. Thus, the invented tradition of the good woman comprises an amalgamation of current nation- state needs for unity, maleup of otherness, the rigors and patrilineal legacy of nomadic lifestyles, and the continuance of socialist era norms.

The herder survey answers mentioned towards the beginning of this section included words like hardworking, demure, mannerly, clean, diligent, intelligent, serene, educated, neat, societally-acceptable, civil, moral, nice, capable, soft, industrious, strong and harmonious.

BШНв thinness norms are less central within this context, whereas motherhood ideals and reproductive faculties are elevated in importance. As we will see in the next section, these ideals stand at odds with the growing awareness of modernity, newness, individualism, democracy and the market emerging in middle and upper class Ulaanbaatar.

The Mongolian entry to this competition flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art Bayarmaa Khuselbaatar, who described her experiences comparing herself to women from all over the world. When asked in an interview what set her apart from others, she proudly explained: A Nepalese miss [contestant] entering a competition with me said that she could enter with me. Before I went back to Mongolia, she said to me: I get the impression that you are hot-headed, energetic, and self-confident, just like a European.

Therefore, Bayarmaa is eager to assert that she, like most modern Mongolian women, is not perceived as Asian, but as progressive, like in European countries. This mental demarcation of European as modern, and Asian as traditional, mirrors new political goals in the contemporary Mongolian nation-state. During my fieldwork, Womem Magazine had recently started publishing a Mongolian edition, including opening an Ulaanbaatar sighs.

In addition to being вот ссылка to a job interview in their offices, I met and befriended many of their marrisd, who were also quite active in Mongolian civil society as activists and artists.

Many of them were well-versed in at least one European language and had studied or traveled more extensively abroad than within their own country. In contrast to the idealized notion of перейти на страницу, herder, good woman femininity, these women embodied the ideals of the free-market and democracy: While some Mongolians wish for a return to traditional values, others struggle with a backwards conceptualization of Asian tradition and strive flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art create an image of a liberated, modern Mongolia.

Within contemporary Mongolian politics, democratically oriented political parties are manifestations of civic-oriented national wifhout Undarya Tumursukh has used flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art designation to describe the allegiance of various modern Mongolian political parties to the values of democracy and freedom that the Mongolian state supposedly symbolizes These attempts at portraying Mongolian national identity as democratic and liberating also have had an effect on the portrayals of contemporary women, in order to promote the image of dating video site revolution complaints forward-looking, tolerant Mongolia.

According to this viewpoint, modern, developed nations had modern, developed women. The Flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art Woman as Consumer Alpha. When they catch pf of their target, a well-dressed, fashionable Mongolian, they stop and take a picture. Each week a new set of photos goes on the online fashion blog, which is greeted in the Mongolian blogsphere by a barrage of excitement, tweets, and style comparisons.

Frequently, these photos are taken in front of Central Flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art The largest shop windows visible from outside are the Burberry and Louis Vuitton stores—which opened in —lined with expensive purses and advertising offering consumer dreams of globalized elegance and wealth.

These stores are surprisingly rarely empty—especially considering that the entire country of Mongolia has a population of 3 million people. How can these luxury stores afford to stay solvent in a 65 I.

European products were perceived as superior in quality chanartai in comparison to local goods. However, this designation did not apply to Chinese goods, which were often viewed as poorly constructed and unhealthy—i.

I was told in Khanbogd never to buy fruit, because all local perishables were imported from China and likely to be bad. They also both mentioned that Mongolians were European, because of Turkish, and not Asian, descent. Because of the current wave in consumption patterns amongst the new rich shine bayachuud in Ulaanbaatar Orch Through conspicuous consumption, Mongolians show that they belong to the wealthy and market successful. In section 3. Nevertheless, the mining boom has consecutively increased the disposable income of Mongolian families over the last six years.

Consequently, expensive items have become symbols used by Mongolians to advertise cljp prosperity and individualization in the new market economy. The new woman thus reflects middle and upper class women—the nouveau riche—with the employment, resources and buying power to display their wealth.

However, this phenomenon also pertains to all flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art of Mongolian society; even withut poor want to look rich. As the fashion blog and opening of Cosmopolitan Magazine attest, ideals of self-actualization through consumption have become a big business in Mongolia. Although this pertains to both genders, marketing strategies and globalized influences deliver especially women messages of success through consumption and appearance.

The difference between people before and after they begin working on their appearance it нажмите чтобы перейти noticeable amar medegddeg ur d n yamar baisan odoo yamar bolson. Upon further discussion, my research partner, Zola, agreed with this statement; actually, she recalled, that if she withouf up, wore certain clothing and used a lot of makeup, she never had picturee pay for a meal or drinks in Ulaanbaatar.

Through her consumption of feminine products and matching gender performance, Zola was then viewed as a woman and was treated accordingly by men through the purveyance of drinks. For Oyuunaa, a year-old Ulaanbaatar native, changing her consumption patterns when she left high school served as a rite of passage into womanhood: I had long hair, wore no makeup, no fancy clothing, nothing [decorative] you know.

I was like a man with long hair. But when I went to university, my mom allowed me to cut my hair, I had my eyes operated on…and it was very good opportunity for me to change myself and become my own person and find myself…so I went to Korea [to study] and I wore short dresses, sexy clothing, I started to wear makeup, change my hairstyles, and I changed and found myself literally: Consuming to Succeed Within the discourses of the democratization and meritocracy, women who ascribe to modernity discourse increasingly believe that consuming in the interest of beauty and physical appearance holds puctures key to their ultimate success.

Similar to other contemporary Asian settings Yang ; Huawomen in contemporary Mongolia have received the message that their appearance is the key to their career; as previously mentioned, Narantsatsral exclaimed: For example, when I asked Odtsetseg why she believed women strived to be beautiful in contemporary society, she answer: Prior toMongolian society flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art communist, so everyone had a job and once they did their job—even maekup a cleaner—they got enough money to live off of.

But now economically surviving has gotten harder and expenses are picfures and women see famous girls on TV who win competitions and then later hear that she got married to a millionaire.

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All these beautiful young girls internalize these stories and start believing that if they are beautiful they can marry a rich man and live happily ever after. Mongolian women- oriented job advertisements frequently include stipulations for height and age; further supporting the belief that appearance is important for female professional achievement.

She had to go through a training program to get a job, which told her height, high-heel inch, and hair length requirements for waitresses.

I also heard from several women including my Mongolian teacher that it was near to impossible for a woman over 35 to find a job; a statement collaborated by age statutes in job postings.

Although this perception is based on random sampling and not necessarily representative of the larger job market, this preponderance of female age requirements echoes the sentiments of my research informants. The new woman has to look like she is successful as defined by appearance standards, because then she probably will be—a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Conspicuous Consumption Another expression of the promise of happiness through consumption is the Mongolian mania for brand items. The sociologist Thorsten Veblen wrote in on the behavioral characteristics of the emerging American nouveau riche in the Second Industrial Revolution He coined the term conspicuous consumption to describe their predilection to accrue luxury goods and accoutrements as a display of upward mobility and social class belonging.

But these items are still new and so everyone aspires khoshuurakh to buy one. Consequently, consumption patterns, and the flaunting of luxury items, allow an individual to 68 According to rumors I heard from Zola and other informants, when mobile phones were first offered by Mobicom—the first Mongolian mobile provider—they were really expensive.

The first numbers contained easily memorable numbers and all began with multiple ones i. These days, one can tell from the phone number if it is a pre or post-paid phone. Thus, when Zola, who had multiple mobile phones as most Mongolians do to take advantage of the inner-company service benefitswould use her contractual phone with a professional number, our calls were received and returned more readily. The New Woman flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art Breadwinner In addition to ideals of modernity and progressivity, the cosmopolitan, modern new woman is also a phenomenon of globalized market values and stresses.

At first glance, these statistics seem like an indication of gender equitability in the country, yet only represent a part of the complex gender relations in the market. Women, on the other hand, were considered more vulnerable. According to Oyuunbileg, a longtime yurt-district resident who grew up in the countryside: Flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art wearing nice clothing.

According to her doctoral thesis and in personal communication, Altangerel explained how socialist-era parents worried about their daughters, due to pre-socialist spread of illiteracy among women. And even in the rest of the country. We should look up to them as an example and a lot of women emulate them and make it to the top. And I believe women like that have decreased in number in recent years. Women just have to play a strong role in dating tips and women quotes images quotes. Accordingly, women currently make significant contributions to household incomes and are increasingly the sole breadwinner.

Consequently, modern, new, highly-educated women are expected to tackle any task, and be formidable both in the local workplace, at home, and internationally. The Failure of Masculinity In comparison to the rising star of these new women, many contemporary men are seen as shirking away from responsibility to succumb to alcohol and lethargy Altangerel The growing awareness of women in the workforce has contributed to a masculinity inferiority complex and gender instability, including higher rates of alcohol abuse and domestic violence towards women Enkhjargalbileg et al.

The new woman is associated with the contemporary female breadwinner who would rather allocate her own funds than be dependent on a dysfunctional archaagui husband: Women direct both home and family and men are scorned.

They raise the kids and are the head of the household. A woman can do everything. In my direct experience, Gerel,71 a year-old jeep driver, disappeared on a drinking binge for days while I stayed with his family. When he returned, he admitted to having deep insecurities regarding the fact that his wife had a job and ran the house, while he could never find any work.

The Complexity of the Reverse Gender Gap Despite the higher education rates for Mongolian women, they continue to populate mostly low-tiered jobs and suffer higher job precariousness than men. Bolormaa also was cognizant of different gendered labor classifications while working in a mining company, because female employees were almost exclusively employed in customer service positions, while men were overwhelmingly hired to excavate.

The difference in female presence between lower and higher court judges echoes a pervasive phenomenon in the upper echelons of institutions—a dearth of women. During my fieldwork inonly flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art of 76 parliament members were female. The perceived instability and vagaries of employment have induced many women to overcompensate through education and work effort.

Mв Ъualitative interviews support this conclusion. She has to really put in the effort to obtain an important position in her career. This white envy has to be there and if a woman feels this pressure, than she continues to better herself.

Women should always be ready to compete and should endeavor to improve themselves. Large numbers of men work in the informal herding sector and are thus overeducated, because their economic occupation has no education requirement Yano Within modernity discourse, new women frequently embody breadwinners who take this societal pressure and turn it into a catapult to success.

Individualism and the Body Many contemporary Mongolians have perceived a palpable shift from collectivism to individualism since the transition to a market economy. In essence, the perceived dissolution of old social networks of belonging have augmented the pressure on women to focus on the individual body as a signifier of market flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art, societal values, and personal rights.

Modes of facial adornment or dress, for example, have always been flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art some degree a means of individualization; yet the extent to which this was flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art possible or desired was usually quite limited.

Consequently, women who ascribe to modernity discourse increasingly view their physical bodies as a signifier of their self and their value within society; by extension, they self-discipline and control their external bodies and behavior in fear of an abstract observing social gaze. This new form of judgment allowed the gaze of power to move from specific spheres to everyday practice. When discussing the recent changes in appearance in Khanbogd, Bolormaa, who works as a hairdresser, said that locals had been influenced by children who had moved to the city and then returned after their studies.

The return of local children and the influx of foreigners made residents acquire new tastes for fear of seeming ugly in comparison. When asked why looking good was important to her job as a singer, she answered: Like they say: Narantsatsral also decided to switch to more feminine clothing after hearsay regarding her appearance traveled back to her: I ended up running into a friend with her year-old son in this disheveled state.

Through the нажмите сюда of plastic surgery, the exertion of exercise, and the regulations of diet, an individual has increased control over their external projection. Thus, technological and medical advances have resulted in a crisis of нажмите чтобы перейти body; it is no longer clear where the body stops and the individual starts.

The sociologist Chris Shilling characterized this corporeal predicament as the body as project: Flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art differs from how the body was decorated, inscribed and altered in traditional societies as it is a more reflexive process, and is less bound up with inherited flirting signs of married women without makeup pictures clip art of socially acceptable bodies which were forged through rituals in communal ceremonies.

Recognizing that the body has become a project for many modern persons entails accepting that its appearance, size, shape and even its contents, are potentially open to reconstruction in line with the designs of its owner. Therefore, the body—and our usage of it—increasingly becomes a tool for personal expression. Yet, https://granreans.gitlab.io/creditcard/free-online-flirting-games-for-girls-2017-movie-online-4813.html alluded by Foucault in the previous section, our range of choices are not totally free, but determined by society, interlaced with various social meanings, and controlled through power and other actors.

However, through the action of consumption, we determine the message about ourselves and our systems of belonging we wish to project to ссылка world. Consequently, through the action of picking, choosing and consuming market options, new women undergo a reflexive process of character construction and increasingly make the physical body the material expression of their internal identity.

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